First time docker visual studio, container runs with compose visual studio not with CLI (swagger we)

Hi, I'm new to cs and dockerizing I'm trying to build a service that uses swagger and running it in a docker container, however I run into an issue where I can reach the swagger address when executing the docker compose file through visual studio but not when executing the docker compose via CLI Is there anyone who can maybe help me out with that? I am aware of specifying the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to Development but it's still not working Dockerfile:
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Docker compose
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Docker compose override
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afaik docker compose override dont launch with docker-compose up
@blueberriesiftheywerecats Hey, sorry for the late reply I didn't see it :'D Thank you for your answer Do you mean docker compose override doesn't work when you launch through Visual studio? Or CLI? I theorize that it does launch, because it seems it takes my environment variables just fine. However if I specify things like "name" of the container it doesn't seem to apply it, which makes me think that when you launch through visual studio it uses docker-compose v1 instead of docker compose v2 Do you happen to know a way to confirm and/or change that?