✅ where to learn c# forms?
hello, i have an exam in 2 days about it, any good source that teach it?

48 Replies
your class material, probably
wow very helpful
i never thought of that
you're really smart
then can you be more specific about what you're looking for?
your exam is going to be on what was taught in class, learning from other sources isn't guaranteed to teach you want you're expected to know
tutorials, just need to learn how to make simple projects
its basic stuff so it shouldnt matter
is there a particular reason you don't want to use your course materials?
it doesnt exist
You had no classes, just an exam...?
no lectures? notes? textbook? homework assignments?
i have classes but wasnt recorded
did you take notes?
or practice?
Or attend?
he would tell us to make projects everyday but i didnt bother
Actions, meet consequences
i thought this was "help"
Help takes many forms, like helping you realize how education works
There you go
we can't help if we don't know what you need, and it's also not "save me from my own procrastination in 2 days"
Or the world, for that matter
thank you, the other 2 should learn from you
i literally told you what i need you're blind
a single tutorial isn't going to cover what you have presumably been learning for a whole semester
I mean it's still a boneheaded decision to not care about a course until 2 days before the exam lol
you did not, you said "basic winforms stuff"
we're not mind readers
And also this. What I just gave you could very well not prepare you for the exam at all
well im just lazy cant do anything about it
yeah you can
that statement is fascinatingly self-fulfilling
because if you realize you have a problem with laziness but don't want to put in any effort to fix it, then yeah, you are
i lost interest so cant study well
as long as i pass idc
i'm not particularly interested in helping people who just want to be bailed out and not learn tbh
u didnt do anything
ok then fk off lmao
where do you hope that this sense of entitlement will take you in the future?
haha idc about my future
Why do you care to pass the exam, then?
so i graduate and dont have to study again
spoiler: you never stop having to study
but why graduate
Why do you care to graduate if you don't care about the future? Drop out
so my dad would shut his mouth
studying gets harder when you're in a job and don't have a professor telling you exactly what you need to know anymore
i dont make the choice of dropping out
i dont even listen to my professors most of the time anyway
lectures are online easy to ignore them
missing my point entirely
if you can't study now when you have resources right there holding your hand, how do you expect to succeed in a job when you don't have that anymore?
I'm not a health professional, but it sounds like textbook depression. Get yourself evaluated, get some meds and therapy. They help.
Right now, I think I'll check out of this convo, enough nihilism for the week
yeah this isn't going anywhere
dont need to worry about that now
u guus dragged this out for so long