Player death script(fixed)
I cant seem to make it work at all. No matter how I try to fix it or use someone elses code it simply will not work. my Text editer says there is no issues. Ive tried like 4 different videos, chat gpt, and just looking around. My unity project isnt anything fancy either. Its just 4 walls, a player with a basic jump script and thats it.

12 Replies
this is the error I keep getting in unity
Can you show your code?
yea gimme one sec to open it back up
is there a better way to send it?
please format your code:
Did you assign the Player variable?
From the editor I mean as you dont initialize it anywhere in your code
this one right?

yea they are all conected but i get the same issue
yea kill play.cs
sounds like you haven't assigned the player tag in the editor
use layers for this rather than tags if you can
I finally got it to work thank you. I just had to put the player tag on the player game object