Optimization problem for matching two lists of objects with same property
So I currently am running a database of ef core that needs to update userdata based on api calls and am faced with a speed problem
So I have two lists:
1. List<Trader> (tracked by ef core)
2. List<User>
that both have a property with the same value (trader id/user id)
They both have a property "online" and I am attempting to set the list of traders "online" property to the same of the user
The two lists are of random order but they have the same size and unique ids
currently I am doing something like this (trader changes are auto tracked even in foreach loop):
would there be a linq or faster way to do the above?
6 Replies
It looks like you have a 1:1 relationship between trader and user which is a DB smell, you shouldn't have 1:1 relationships in a database (1:1 relationship means they should just be the same table)
Unless it isn't 1:1, in which case you should have a navigation property on user to trader
ah yes the user list I get is from an api wrapper call but I only need one part of the data (the online property) only the trader list is part of the db
Ohhh gptcha
the user list I get is something like this
idk if this helps
I think I got that right, trying to do it off by heart
That'll do it in effectively 2 update queries, one to set the offline group, one to set the online group
Anytime you have a db query inside a loop, you can usually pull it out of the loop and use a
to get em all in a single shotalr thanks will try it out o/