yield return
i can't understand the benefits of yield return , if it's benefit to avoid fetching all data from database and storing them in the memory,and reading each data on demand.
i think i can does that by stream types,so what the need to yield return?
15 Replies
yield return is for producing sequences one element at a time, that's it
it has nothing to do with databases
and has nothing to do with reading file?
Note that Stream just works with bytes
no, it is a standalone language feature
you can use it with anything
Streams are specifically for reading sets of bytes, from a source which might be able to read 0, 1, or many bytes at that point in time
Iterators are a different mechanism. They work with any element type, and they just yield a single element at a time
some examples
i like the example, but i'm talking about real example
producing infinite sequences is a real example
i mean how c# used in in it's built-in language, what's the apply of it in the language
loops for one: the ability to iterate over collectionsAll of Linq: the ability to filter and transform sequences of elements
Also notable is that the result of an
function isn't called on it's assignment, but it's usage.
Combined with a filter like Where(<predicate>)
you don't need to loop over each element.
And depending on the condition, not even once.
It's mostly performance related, also by using an interface
the user is free to whatever collection one wanna implement.
A win-win situation.