My MAUI app breaks when I publish it, cannot run the project in the debugger anymore in VS.
When i publish my .net maui it completely breaks my ability to use the project anymore in visual studio, i've spent days trying to solve this issue last week resorting to resetting my operating system to "fix" it and now I have the problem again when I tried to publish.
Here's the order of things that happened:
1) I published a working app, using the microsoft store options (got a new developer account and i'm still unfamiliar with certs).
2) After going through the process where the installer was made and it did some checks on the project, I started trying to fill things out on the microsoft store.
3) Before finishing any of that I tested the app again and my project will not run in debug mode on visual studio no matter what I do, but if I ran the already installed app (debugger installs it to apps) it was running.
4) I then started trying things out again with a different application id, package name, and other stuff and it still wont run.. but now I have multiple installations of the app in my app dropdown folder on the start menu and they don't run, and they won't let me uninstall them (though one of them gets the blue popup, others do/show nothing).
5) I am now juggling with appid/packagename/etc trying to get it to work, but every time it works, it breaks again afterwards which is how i'm getting multiple broken installations.
6) The app works fine if I run it in android emulator, this is a windows specific problem.

182 Replies
Now for last week when I first had this issue, I was getting assistance with someone in a help thread and was never able to get it solved after several days of attempting to reinstall visual studio, restarting pc, deleting all app files (even packages) through power shell and other methods (could never find it or do anything about it), repairing visual studio, and whatever I could think of to remove it but nothing happened. The only thing that worked was literally reinstalling windows (nuclear/amputation solution that i don't want to keep doing)
I am completely lost on what to do and I appreciate anyone who offers to help, i'm hoping someone could hlep me. I would even be open to streaming everything while being assisted.
you should either concact microsoft more directly (maybe report an issue from within vs), or perhaps the channel in $dotnetevolution can help
the first time this happened it was with sideloading so likely unrelated
unrelated to what?
what about it?
i made no mention of it
mb was half asleep misread ya
@Metalkon are u still having a problem or what is the story, did it fix after the window resinstall?

the windows reset worked the frist time i had this problem last week, but this is my second time getting the problem and fixing it by resetting windows is not really a good solution..
something about publishing it caused the issue
you removed windows from your csproj target and you also did not upload to github your publish options
can u upload those
this all what you need? It's from the original clone that i used to publish with
I mean the pubxml file
and either use $paste or github if possible
If your code is too long, you can post to, save, and copy the link into chat for others to see your shared code!
or did u publish via dotnet cli?
if so I would need the switch u used
cannot find a pubxml/pub.xml
Last time before i had to reset windows operating system I tried to do sideloading without really doing anything cert related, and it broke everything the same way as now.
This time I attmpted microsoft store
I reserved a name through ms store, selected it in publish on visual studio, it did a scan, and i saved the msix file.
can you update the github to the version you are atempting that is failing then?
because u have no windows target
so I can give it a look
GitHub - Metalkon/Tellarknight-App at test-branch
Desktop & Mobile app built for the Tellarknight community for the Yu-Gi-Oh card game, using .NET8 MAUI Blazor. - GitHub - Metalkon/Tellarknight-App at test-branch
side loading worked just fine
are u having issues just with pushing it to the store now?
u might also want to install this if u havent yet which fixed a few deploying issues with it
that is 1.63
i cannot run the app in the debugger within visual studio after attempting to publish, and the versions that i installed previously are broken as well. In the past the only way to get around this other than a reset was to change my application id and such.
basically cannot run debugger or install because previous app of same name exists, and cannot get rid of previous app.
i can stream for you if you want to see how it plays out
in the voice channels
let me give that a try I did not try running/ installing it
OK no sure if that was the same issue u had
the only issue I got while trying to run in debug was
DEP0700: Registration of the app failed. [0x80073CF6] AppxManifest.xml(34,27): error 0x80070002: Cannot install or update package because the splash screen imagewhich was very random because the file exists and is properly setup so I went in the Package.appxmanifest wizard and made it create a new splash then killed all msbuilds that were running if any then rebuild then run and it went thru
different DEP error but ill try to do what you did

and u paste the full error for me
DEP0900: Failed to unregister application "TellarknightStatisticsApp_1.0.0.0_x64__9zz4h110yvjzm". [0x80073CFA]
and if u just do rebuild but before u do so open task manager and kill all msbuild u find there
is this what you messed with?

yeah but if the error is different lets try fixing it without that
let me know when u do these and what is the result of the build
also u did install the link above right?
yes but no change
im currently reading this atm
After updating Windows 10, Windows can no longer manage any appx pa...
.NET MAUI Team notes This issue isn't related to .NET MAUI or .NET9. You can follow the WinUI issue here Workaround posted here microsoft/WindowsAppSDK#4881 (comment) One thing to clarify here ...
ok but when u did, did u confirm it installed succcessfully?
for me I had to run it twice
when i first used it it went on for longer and then closed but now it only shows this for 2sec before closing

just run it from prompt
so u can read the result
or powershell
im a total noob at powershell

cd into the folder where it is
then just type its name and hit enter
u should see something like
ill be honest, i don't know what you mean
i have zero experience with powershlel or command stuff
go to windows menu
type prompt
u should see this

now let's say windowsappruntimeinstall-x64.exe is in your desktop
so all u need to do is
cd Desktop [ENTER]
windowsappruntimeinstall-x64.exe [ENTER]

now back to your app

disable deploy
if it succeed then reenable deploy
then F5
make sure u killed all msbuild on task manager before u do that (u know how to do this right?)
couldnt find any msbuilds in task manager
ahh found them in details
disabled deploy
I just go Users and look it up there by pressing m

then u should get something like
got this popup

2>------ Skipped Deploy: Project: TellarknightApp, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
2>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
========== Build completed at 2:19 AM and took 22.674 seconds ==========
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 1 skipped ==========
========== Deploy completed at 2:19 AM and took 22.674 seconds ==========
so you build it was ok
then u enabled deploy again?
or at what step u got that
with deployed disabled i got that
build != run / f5
trying with enabled now

that popup again
I am unsure if u just did build or if u actually run the app
apparently it may be windows 10 related based on part of what i saw in that post
im on windows 10
and its building and running
can you close visual studio

im in vc if ya wanna watch my screen
I can watch but no mic or sound where I am right now
k watching
so disable deploy
getting that error popup earleir than before
then right click your project
then rebuild
also before we do that
close your app and delete
bin and obj
dont cancle just wait
k nvm
video is like about 2 minutes delay so
can u leave discord open so I can see how much delay we are having
25 seconds delay to be precise
so now disable deploy
then right click project nad rebuild
Assets file 'D:\Developer\Projects\Tellarknight-App\TellarknightApp\obj\project.assets.json' doesn't have a target for 'net8.0-android'. Ensure that restore has run and that you have included 'net8.0-android' in the TargetFrameworks for your project.
Assets file 'D:\Developer\Projects\Tellarknight-App\TellarknightApp\obj\project.assets.json' doesn't have a target for 'net8.0-maccatalyst'. Ensure that restore has run and that you have included 'net8.0-maccatalyst' in the TargetFrameworks for your project.
Assets file 'D:\Developer\Projects\Tellarknight-App\TellarknightApp\obj\project.assets.json' doesn't have a target for 'net8.0-windows10.0.19041.0'. Ensure that restore has run and that you have included 'net8.0-windows10.0.19041.0' in the TargetFrameworks for your project.
ok good
try doing rebuild again
same thing
ok so lets change your csproj a lil bit
using the master branch atm
at the top
under TargetFrameworks add
and remove it from down there
I think its inside a propertygroup
let me chck lines on the github
Tellarknight-App/TellarknightApp/TellarknightApp.csproj at master ·...
Desktop & Mobile app built for the Tellarknight community for the Yu-Gi-Oh card game, using .NET8 MAUI Blazor. - Metalkon/Tellarknight-App
line 70 u remove
and move it to where I said above
U just move this
the rest stays where it was
will look like this
and on ApplicationDisplayVersion add a .0

line 30
now should be 31 I guess
save, kill any msbuilds on task manager
and rebuild
got those same errors
Assets file 'D:\Developer\Projects\Tellarknight-App\TellarknightApp\obj\project.assets.json' doesn't have a target for 'net8.0-android'. Ensure that restore has run and that you have included 'net8.0-android' in the TargetFrameworks for your project.Assets file 'D:\Developer\Projects\Tellarknight-App\TellarknightApp\obj\project.assets.json' doesn't have a target for 'net8.0-maccatalyst'. Ensure that restore has run and that you have included 'net8.0-maccatalyst' in the TargetFrameworks for your project.Assets file 'D:\Developer\Projects\Tellarknight-App\TellarknightApp\obj\project.assets.json' doesn't have a target for 'net8.0-windows10.0.19041.0'. Ensure that restore has run and that you have included 'net8.0-windows10.0.19041.0' in the TargetFrameworks for your project.
delete the bin/ obj folder
k ill delet eit again
at least we have a new error now 😉
no change
lets try a publish then
right click project then publish
can skip cert
or nvm if u have one use it

by the way
u dont need to open paint
u can just hold windows key + shift + S and it will let u take a snashot of the screen
then u can just CTRL+V on discord
interesting lol

wonder if that cna be shortened
like shift print screen
ok interesting publish works
try rebuild now close all msbuilds first
print screen works too but it takes the whole screen if u use an app like sharex for example then yes u can customize the keys
same 3 errors
ill try to install the msix
App installation failed with error message: Install failed. Please contact your software vendor. (0x80073cf9)
weird can u go to package manager tab at the bottom
install second time worked
yep progress 😉
i now have 4 versions of the app installed, 3 are broken

sometimes installer works, sometimes it doesnt
ok so now
literally cannot remove them lol
or run them
yeah u will have to remove them from powershell dunno how to thou because I dont use msstore
let me see your visual studio
last week i tried powershell removal for hours with hlep from someone and didn't get any results
then manual removal I guess
didnt work either
even tried registry lol
View > Other windows > Package Manager Console
then dotnet restore
and dotnet build right
on the window
just dotnet restore on the window at hte bottom
PM> dotnet restore
Determining projects to restore...
Restored D:\Developer\Projects\Tellarknight-App\TellarknightApp\TellarknightApp.csproj (in 1.94 sec).
ok now try rebuild
on the project folder
not the console
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
========== Rebuild completed at 3:11 AM and took 01:34.131 minutes ==========
hey hey
now enable deploy
then F5
yt loading
ok its back
Internet went out
mmm wait
think i need a new link

make sure no msbuilds on task manager
then yes
This popup is usually before the deploy one
stream should be back up, internet is back
starlink connection dropped out for a few mins, sometimes happens like this around this time of night
the link is playing something old
think u need to give me a new one
so back to business kill all msbuilds
and hit yes on the popup

the original error
ok fudge
can u go to windows > settings > apps
and see if your app is on the list

can u show on screen
go on Settings

yes there we go

try uninstalling it there
mmm ok lets try from powershell
not evne the one that works
open powershell as admin
now just Get-AppxPackage TellarknightApp
without the \
my bad I codified it and it added the \
habbits eh lol
ok progress
can u copy paste that here
same thing but add -force
instead of Remove-AppxPackage try Uninstall-Package
I mean sure install nuget

Get-AppPackageLog -ActivityID 47eb514b-3c8c-0002-f3ce-f6478c3cdb01
lets see what it says from the one u tried that worked but failed
can u paste the ms link

have u tried doing that?
not yet
only registry stuff i tried last week was removing the app stuff
well its for the app stuff
specifically with its name
u will need the ids from there PackageFullName most likely
then go key by key modifying it if they exist
once u find the PackageList right click it and export
so u have a backup
before u modify anything
reboot then try uninstalling again
set package value to 0 on both
if that doesnt work I will suggest u try asking on $mauitoolkit
as they might be able to better assist u with the issue as its more dedicated to MAUI in there.
all of them still cannot uninstall

all same result
some instant popup, some popup after attempting for 5sec
what if u try to change the package name
on the Package.appxmanifest
last tab called packaging
change Metalkon.730D31F4F62 to something else say Metalkon.730D31F4F73
i think i'd just end up with a 5th installation that way
yes that is what it would happen but it would be manageable by visual studio
so long as u dont run the installtion from the publish package
so publish but don't install that
so it technically should let u run in debug
yes publish but dont install the publish msix
just run it from visual studio
starting stream back up
I guess its ok dont need stream anymore
u know the steps now
did it work?
didnt work but i found a solution!
After updating Windows 10, Windows can no longer manage any appx pa...
I just updated Visual Studio to 17.13.0 Preview 1 and Windows to 19045.5131. Now Visual Studio can no longer deploy WinUI 3 apps, I can't uninstall any apps, the Microsoft Store can't updat...
was a problem with windows
managed to delete all of the tellar apps
good to know
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