C#2mo ago

Where can i learn Xaml tags

instead of having to ask chat gpt for all the commands i would prefer something like w3schools or my school learning site to help learn XAML for a native computer app
10 Replies
Angius2mo ago
Did you try the docs?
Tarozi2mo ago
the docs?
leowest2mo ago
for the basics https://wpf-tutorial.com/ beyond that the docs
leowest2mo ago
and those are just the basic controls(from the link I posted) not included things u can create your self due to the flexibility of xaml but it goes in details on how they work, how to use, etc, etc
Tarozi2mo ago
yeah ive read something about being able to sort of customize your tags
leowest2mo ago
also dont rely on ChatGPT it will cost u more time then researching your self. $aiprogrammer
Tarozi2mo ago
i try to use it in very small amounts i ussually only resort to it for bugs or issues i just cant fix after a whole day of trying
Jimmacle2mo ago
the tags that are available depend on the framework and libraries you're using libraries and your own code can add new xaml components about as easily as you can add new C# classes to a project