C#10mo ago

Unity 3D enemy AI tutorial not working as advertised

Hello, I am working on a game for my game dev and design class and I used this tutorial https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UjkSFoLxesw&pp=ygUdZnVsbCAzZCBlbmVteSBhaSBpbiA2IG1pbnV0ZXM%3D for the AI There are just two problems with it, firstly I can’t tell if the AI is switching to different modes (like from patrol to chase), and the other, more comedic problem is that it is hilariously fast and does not abide by the speed value in the Nav Mesh Agent. I got roughly 10 class days to work on this project so I need some help quick
Dave / GameDevelopment
FULL 3D ENEMY AI in 6 MINUTES! || Unity Tutorial
FULL 3D ENEMY AI in 6 MINUTES! || Unity Tutorial: Today I made a quick tutorial about Enemy Ai in Unity, if you have any questions just write a comment, I'll try to answer as many as I can :D Also, don't forget to subscribe and like if you enjoyed the video! :D See you next time. Links: ➤ NavMesh Components: https://github.com/Unity-Technologi...
5 Replies
Superdude5051OP10mo ago
Also, I did my own modifications
Superdude5051OP10mo ago
I can’t share anything with my personal account so these photos will have to do.
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Anchy10mo ago
this is probably more of a $unity server question, also there is a built in print screen button on your keyboard
2spooky2play10mo ago
format your code as well so it has consistent indentation

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