Working on a car booking system, but the booking calendar isn't functioning properly
The Car Booking System is a MVC project where users can:
- View a list of cars that are avalerble.
- View details about a car (such as its title, model, image, and specifications).
- Select start and end dates with specific times for booking the car.
- Submit their booking details, including a destination, to a server to save the booking.
Prevent double booking by:
- Highlighting already booked dates (so users know they cannot book on those dates).
- Disabling previously booked date ranges to stop users from selecting them.
The Core Problem
There are two key issues
1. Highlighting Booked Dates
What should happen:
- The calendar should show dates already booked (using a "highlight" style).
- Booked dates should display a tooltip explaining the booking period (e.g., "Booked from 2025-12-01 10:00 to 2025-12-01 14:00").
What's happening instead:
- Booked dates are not highlighted.
2. Preventing Overlapping Bookings
What should happen:
- Users should not be able to select date ranges or times that overlap with existing bookings.
What's happening instead:
- Users are still able to select already booked date ranges.
I have a Razor page linked where I believe the problem lies:
BlazeBin - osixxvlzrfla
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2 Replies
here is the code via $paste:
BlazeBin - osixxvlzrfla
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