C#2mo ago

What is a namespace in C# and why is it important

Hello guys, I'm confused, what is a namespace in C# and why do we need it please, where can we omit it, is it correct if we omit it? If not, why please.
71 Replies
FakerOP2mo ago
When we say something like System.Console Console is a class, System is a "namespace"; what does that mean
Thinker2mo ago
Namespaces are like folders on your computer
FakerOP2mo ago
It's like a "package" ? Like a "package" can contain multiple classeS? or it's the parent folder wrapping these classes?
Thinker2mo ago
"package" has a slightly different meaning one moment
FakerOP2mo ago
Thinker2mo ago
So, You can think of classes as files. You could just place all of your files on your computer on your desktop, but of course you don't since that would be a mess. Instead, you organize them into folders. Namespaces are the same way, you don't put all your classes onto your "desktop" (something called the global namespace in this case), you put them into namespaces for organization. So Console is a class inside System, which is a namespace which contains a lot of fundamental C# things, like the console and things like strings and numbers
FakerOP2mo ago
the namespace is a specific folder we need to create when writing code? or it just need to be there if for example we have different scripts related to each other, then each script will have same namespace ?
FusedQyou2mo ago
Generally when you put class in a folder, the namespace also specifies that folder
Thinker2mo ago
Generally yes, but technically you don't have to
FusedQyou2mo ago
If you have <projectRoot>/Database/Models, then the namespace would be <projectName>.Database.Models It's not enforced unless you explicitly ask it to do that In the end namespaces exist to organize. It keeps it simple what a file needs, and also removes the need to use overly complex names for classes to avoid writing the same name twice by accident
FakerOP2mo ago
projectName would refer to the folder which contains the class files?
FusedQyou2mo ago
No, just the name of your project Generally your namespaces should at least mention that
FakerOP2mo ago
FusedQyou2mo ago
But this, like all things, can be changed
FakerOP2mo ago
yeah I see, it's just a label ?
FusedQyou2mo ago
The namespace?
FakerOP2mo ago
yep, a label for file organization ?
FusedQyou2mo ago
Pretty much, and in that can be more namespaces and/or your classes and all that And when you want to use it somewhere, you would specify it with a using statement For example, given the previous example, you would write using <projectName>.Database.Models; at the top of the file
FakerOP2mo ago
yep I see
FusedQyou2mo ago
Then that file can use the classes and things in that namespace A namespace is completely optional, but you should really always use it
FakerOP2mo ago
alright noted, I have just begin to learn C#, in the .NET 9.0, I think, we don't explicitly set the namespace or class name; but later on we would need to do so ?
FusedQyou2mo ago
BTW you can also do this, where if you want to use the Console class in the system namespace. Instead of putting using System; at the top of your file, you can also just write System.Console.WriteLine("Test"); in your code It's generally not done, but you can do this when you happen to have two Console classes But there are better ways to fix this
Pobiega2mo ago
You should always set an explicit namespace using namespace My.Namespace.Here; syntax
FusedQyou2mo ago
I would guess you use the minimal Program.cs file thingy? I don't remember the actual name Those don't have namespaces
FakerOP2mo ago
Pobiega2mo ago
the only exception to this rule is top level statements
FusedQyou2mo ago
Yeah this would be the only instance where you don't have it
Pobiega2mo ago
yep, the only
FakerOP2mo ago
what do we mean by top level statements, basic statements?
FusedQyou2mo ago
It's all "syntactic sugar" in this case
FakerOP2mo ago
like Console.Write("hello"); ?
FusedQyou2mo ago
Well, the Program.cs file used to be way more complex The way you write it now is a fairly new, way simpler way of doing it But you actually end up witht he same thing, the compiler just does it for you
FusedQyou2mo ago
C# 9.0 - Introduction To Top-Level Statements
In this article, you will learn about C# 9.0 - introduction to Top-Level Statements.
FakerOP2mo ago
yep I see, later on though where I would need to create my own classes etc, I will have to use namespace etc ?
Pobiega2mo ago
FusedQyou2mo ago
The reason this was done is because everybody used the same pattern anyway You don't have to, but you should definitely do it
Pobiega2mo ago
https://sharplab.io/#v2:CYLg1APgAgTAjAWAFDKnAnACgEQBcCmAzrtgJQDcQA== <-- example of what top level statements compile into
FakerOP2mo ago
ok ok noted, I should use namespace everywhere, then ? It's better, right ? even though compiler can simplify things for us, like the top level statements?
FusedQyou2mo ago
Top level statements is the only instance I can think off there explicitly leaving them out is better Note the Program.cs file should be the entry point of your application. Nothing else should use methods or classes from it anyway So putting it under a namespace has no benefit
FakerOP2mo ago
yep I see, I have a clearer understandings, thanks guys, really appreciate, will come back if I have other questions
FusedQyou2mo ago
Feel free to ask more when you need to know something 👍
Thinker2mo ago
(you can't put top-levels statements into a namespace)
FakerOP2mo ago
we can't use top level statements in several file though ?
Pobiega2mo ago
FakerOP2mo ago
similar to how we can only have one main entry point per project?
Pobiega2mo ago
TLS is only allowed in one file, because that file becomes your entry point its the exact same thing you cant have TLS + explicit main in another file
FakerOP2mo ago
ah I see but hmm can we have multiple main entry point if we don't have TLS? like if I have 2 classes, Person and Student, can I declare a main entry point in each of them ?
Pobiega2mo ago
FakerOP2mo ago
oh ok
Pobiega2mo ago
how would that work? which one would start when you ran the program?
FakerOP2mo ago
hmm no I mean if there are in different files? Like 1 file containing class Person and the main method and another file containing class Student and its main method
Pobiega2mo ago
how is that relevant? when you start a dotnet program, you dont specify the class to run you only specify the project
FakerOP2mo ago
ahhhh true
FusedQyou2mo ago
Well, you can, but you should not
FakerOP2mo ago
when we write in the command line "dotnet run" , we are running the whole project, kind of ?
FusedQyou2mo ago
You can specify the startup object in a project, but that is generally not something you need to do anyway unless your main entrypoint is not in a place where it can be found
FakerOP2mo ago
ok ok, so to recap, I should have one main entry point per project ?
FusedQyou2mo ago
Only the the projects that actually need to be run, as they turn into an executable You can have other project types that don't have an entry point, like class libraries These exist to provide code and features, but don't exist to be run individually
FakerOP2mo ago
yep I see
FusedQyou2mo ago
Once you compile you always get an executable of the projects that have a main entrypoint. Additionally these would be configured automatically to indicate they are supposed to be run in general Any other projects like class libraries are added to the output as .dll files
Pobiega2mo ago
most solutions (a collection of related projects) will have only one runnable project. If you have more than one, your compilaton results in more than one executable
FusedQyou2mo ago
Should you care, you can always change the type of a project in its properties
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FusedQyou2mo ago
Should you make a mistake, or convert the project for example Console/Windows applications are types that would generate an executable But this drop down can have different options depending on what you're doing
FakerOP2mo ago
yep I see, makes more sense now, thanks guys, I have understood the concept of how all this works but still need to write a bit of code to see how it works, thanks !!!
FakerOP2mo ago
Consider these guys, I try to use namespace instead of TLS. Notice my IDE is giving me the following: "Namespace does not correspond to file location". This mean, in every files I want to create, namespace should be named similar to my root folder ?
No description
FusedQyou2mo ago
This is what I meant with that your editor can tell you to use the same format for your namespaces as the folders you use In this case, <projectName> is Learning, so your namespace should be Learning You can choose to ignore this warning, or turn it off. In the end the only real benefit is readability and consistency Apparently Rider always points this out. In Visual Studio this is a separate analyzer option you have to enable
FakerOP2mo ago
yep I see, thanks ! By the way, every file I created in this project, that is in the Learning folder, should consist of the namespace? if we forget about the TLS
FusedQyou2mo ago
Of a namespace, yes The namespace is usually the same as your folder structure as mentioned, but that is an optional pattern By default, when you create a new class file, .NET will set the namespace based on the folder structure
FakerOP2mo ago
The thing is the namespace I decide to use, whether it's learning or something else, every .cs file should have the same namespace for this particular project ? hmm like when I create a new .cs file ? wait will just try that out in rider ahhh true
FusedQyou2mo ago
FakerOP2mo ago
when I create another file, the namespace of my entry point got appended at the top Thanks !!

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