Dash Panel Mechanic not working
I'm trying to implement a dash panel mechanic into my 3D Sonic physics engine. They are panels that allow the player to reach top running speed, and are even used to change the player's direction immediately. The direction the player dashes in is the forward direction of the panel they hit. They also lock sonic's controls for a set amount of time that I am able to define per dash panel. I've got the panels in scene with mesh colliders and is trigger checked and code written, except nothing happens when sonic actually touches the dash panel.
Here are the relevant scripts to make this work:
DashPanel.cs: https://pastecode.io/s/kr7t0vfj
MoveAction.cs: https://pastecode.io/s/4i3cjkok
PlayerPhysics.cs: https://pastecode.io/s/5onubnwt
PlayerAction.cs: https://pastecode.io/s/wjw2cdpi
I've also attached a chart of how my player is set up in the scene alongside the rigidbody settings so you guys can have a better understanding of what I'm working with

1 Reply
The rigidbody is what has the ("Player") tag btw