Version error
I have this error
Should i dowload C# 11 ? how ?
Resolve errors related to language version and features - C# reference
Several compiler errors indicate that your configured language version doesn't support a feature you're using. This article shows how to fix those errors and warnings.

10 Replies
what exactly are you trying to do?
i want to get the ref of an object
objects are reference types already
please explain your end goal in more detail so i can understand what help you need
its a user class by me
there are not many reasons to use
especially in the context of what you postedi want to access to a same variable in 2 different ways
when you assign a class object to a variable, you are assigning a reference already
this isn't a language version issue, it's a you don't know what you want issue 😛
oh you're right
so should i Upadte C# ?
i have 9.0
no, you should write the correct code
you don't need ref