Recommend book/source
Hi, I know how to program small applications, but I want to learn how to build programs like file system explorer, task manager or notepad. Is there any book or source that teaches you system/application design and building with examples I mentioned about? I want to understand how to build application right way, and how they function.
4 Replies
one thing you could do is look at how existing program are structured, like on github/gitlab/other services
Just read clean code, idk, learn about design patterns
There is no right way of designing applications
If you know how explorer, task manager... works(especially in code) you could easily design those
I can highly recommend
Dependency Injection by Mark Seemann et al.: ISBN 9781617294730
It makes obvious a lot of opaque techniques used in application composition (DI)
Not a book on architecture itself but it will elevate your dotnet skills of you take its advice to heart
thank you for the answers