Face Recognition
For a school project determining 20% of my final grade we need to create a progam. I've gone with a face recogition software and was wondering how much C# support there is for that. I need to create a simple UI and the program will essentially be split into two:
1) Training the model to recognise 3-4 faces
2) Giving users the option to submit an image file and have the program return the name of the identified person.
Any pointers would be appreciated
(and advice to streamline the project to make it more simple is also appreciated as it doesn't need to be the most sophisticated)
2 Replies
I was gonna suggest https://www.emgu.com but that wont include training your own model
its a .NET wrapper for OpenCV
I've been contemplating using python for this as I've been able to find some more resources, yet I think for the GUI I prefer using WPF over anything else atm