Created by AceChewy on 2/6/2025 in #help
✅ Running Python Program from WPF
I'm struggling with running a python program from wpf. I've followed the documentation, but it seems like nothing is working. The python code works if run manually. I can also see python starting and using resources in the task manager
11 replies
Created by AceChewy on 2/2/2025 in #help
Using pipes to return text input from python file to WPF
No description
2 replies
Created by AceChewy on 7/25/2024 in #help
School Project
Hi, I'm planning on making a basic facial recognition app which makes use of using a CNN. I don't know very much on how it will all work, but I've locked in my option so I'm going to have to make something. I was wondering how difficult it would be to train and then incorporate my neural network to an application like this :, As I plan on making the application a very basic log in system
15 replies
Created by AceChewy on 6/30/2024 in #help
Facial Recognition
Hi, I'm about to start my final year of sixth form (British equivalent of a senior in high school) and was wondering if I could get some help with sorting out the logistics of my programme. I essentially need a low resource intensive method of training a partially pre-trained model with part of my own dataset of faces. My plan is to create the UI in C# but handle the facial recognition in python. I was wondering if any of you have any idea where I can get resources to sort of walk me through - only issue is I can not use a library that handles everything for me as it takes the complexity out of my programme which is required for a passing grade. The programme is essentially : Users can log-in or sign-up - if they're signing up, the programme will ask them to take 7 images ( to cover 180 degrees) and they'll be able to seem themselves through live webcam footage. They'll have to press capture each time and there will be a 5 second timer for them to get ready after each photo. If they are already signed up, they can log-in by pressing log-in and then a capture button. They should also have a sign-out option. A sign in and sign out will be result to data being added to a txt file or excel spreadsheet with a timestamp and a persons name The real complexity comes from using a CNN and training it to recognise faces (I'm allowed to use a library for this) and then training it to recognise particular individuals. I don't have a GPU with my laptop and my school has some gaming pcs but I wouldn't be able to use them over the summer (My school closes next week) so I would need a non-resource intensive method Any advice would be appreciated and feel free to ask question to solve any confusion
2 replies
Created by AceChewy on 5/10/2024 in #help
Face Recognition
For a school project determining 20% of my final grade we need to create a progam. I've gone with a face recogition software and was wondering how much C# support there is for that. I need to create a simple UI and the program will essentially be split into two: 1) Training the model to recognise 3-4 faces 2) Giving users the option to submit an image file and have the program return the name of the identified person. Any pointers would be appreciated (and advice to streamline the project to make it more simple is also appreciated as it doesn't need to be the most sophisticated)
4 replies
Created by AceChewy on 1/21/2024 in #help
✅ Physics simulator
I was hoping to make a simple physics simulator with a GUI (sliders etc..) as a fun project that I could maybe put on a portfolio eventually. I've spent the past month ish going over the basics again so I feel fairly good about that (besides exception handling) and was wondering whether anyone had any tips on how to proceed with that
13 replies
Created by AceChewy on 1/1/2024 in #help
C# Roadmap
I’ve been struggling for a while now on how to progress with learning C#. I’ve been given a lot of good advice but I’m still a bit stuck. I’ve tried following tutorials and building apps without being proficient in vanilla C# and so decided to step back and really learn the basics but even then, with a busy high school timetable, I haven’t been able to dedicate the amount of time I would like to learning C#. After some thought, I think I want to learn how to do full stack web dev, namely with blazor ( still unsure about what type of development I really want to do) but realise I first need to become comfortable with my vanilla C# skills. I would try to get a mentor to help see me through this, however at the moment I can’t afford one on one sessions with someone who can guide me in the right direction and need to rely on free resources of which I know there are many. And so I was hoping that someone would be able to give me a more detailed guide on what to learn first and what comes after, eg. I know that I need to start with the basics, but what specifically are these basics that I should tackle. Now I realise that even this is a big ask as there is no right way to learn to code, but I’ve found that I’m someone who learns best if I have clearly defined goals. Thanks and as always all advice is appreciated ( sorry for this who have advised me on this before )
18 replies
Created by AceChewy on 12/20/2023 in #help
Just hoping for some WPF resources anyone would recommend given I have a 3 week Christmas holiday and it would be a good chance to learn some Wpf
63 replies
Created by AceChewy on 12/11/2023 in #help
I'm a bit unsure with how to start with GUIs. I've tried to play around with WPF before, but using an MVVM model is far too confusing for me. I was wondering whether there were any other models to consider or if learning how to use MVVM properly would be the best bet. I've thought of creating a finance tracker which will handle income, expenses, projections and breakdowns of expenses and decided that maybe trying a GUI will be a step in the right direction. Any advice is appreciated (This will be a desktop application)
12 replies
Created by AceChewy on 12/1/2023 in #help
Advent of Code Day 1
I'm not sure why my code isn't accepted even though I'm sure it works:
private int Sum()
int Overall = 0;

Console.WriteLine("Enter the calibration document. Enter an empty line to finish.");

string line;
while ((line = Console.ReadLine()) != "")
int firstDigit = 0;
int lastDigit = 0;

// Find the first digit
for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)
if (Char.IsDigit(line[i]))
firstDigit = Int32.Parse(line[i].ToString());

// Find the last digit
for (int i = line.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (Char.IsDigit(line[i]))
lastDigit = Int32.Parse(line[i].ToString());

Overall += firstDigit + lastDigit;

return Overall;
private int Sum()
int Overall = 0;

Console.WriteLine("Enter the calibration document. Enter an empty line to finish.");

string line;
while ((line = Console.ReadLine()) != "")
int firstDigit = 0;
int lastDigit = 0;

// Find the first digit
for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)
if (Char.IsDigit(line[i]))
firstDigit = Int32.Parse(line[i].ToString());

// Find the last digit
for (int i = line.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (Char.IsDigit(line[i]))
lastDigit = Int32.Parse(line[i].ToString());

Overall += firstDigit + lastDigit;

return Overall;
12 replies
Created by AceChewy on 11/11/2023 in #help
✅ Editing Project File caused Solution to break
No description
13 replies
Created by AceChewy on 11/4/2023 in #help
❔ Advancing with C# development (Little Time)
So I have school 5 days a week and so I don't have as much time as I hope would like to dedicate to learning more about C#. Currently I'm unsure whether I should pursue desktop or web dev as from the videos and forums I've checked, C# web dev seems more popular and desired by employers and so to me it seems worth learning it and I haven't actually found any resources which help with desktop dev. I don't have a preference per say as I've only really done basic desktop dev with simple UI but knowing of the 2 or 3 most popular uses of C# would be useful as I could then attempt to do a bit on the side as I deal with school. In essence I'm hoping for advice on how to balance the little extra time I have to learn C# with school, and which sort of C# development is the most desired and worth investing time into (resources appreciated) (I have gotten a bit of advice from members of the discord eg. slowly build up the complexity of projects, learn a bit of SQL and databases etc..)
27 replies
Created by AceChewy on 10/29/2023 in #help
❔ Career Path
Currently I'm learning and getting better at desktop development but I've seen many posts and forums which say that C# jobs primarily entail web development ( as most jobs now do) and so I was wondering how to begin learning that alongside what I'm currently getting better at as I would like to be decently comfortable with both types of development before I start Uni (in two years). Any advice and resources would be appreciated
7 replies
Created by AceChewy on 10/23/2023 in #help
❔ Desktop Application Ideas
I'm currently trying to build a messaging app, Solaris, and whilst it's been interesting learning bits and pieces of code, concepts and structures in order to get it to work, as a beginner it's been hard. I plan to finish the app since I know a messaging app could look good on my portfolio but I'm going to take a bit of a break. And so I was wondering whether any had any suggestions for some desktop applications I could make( which could or could not be used for a portfolio). I want to make ones with a GUI (WPF) to practise, but if there are any good recommendations which work as well as a command line app, then that would be great too
54 replies
Created by AceChewy on 10/19/2023 in #help
❔ Framework and Services for C# desktop chat app
So I started programming a chat app which uses .netframework and wpf and I've recently come back to it. I was planning on making the application use .net core rather than .netframework but that made me question whether I was using the right frameworks or services in the first place. I was and still plan on using Supabase (if there aren't any better alternatives) as it's free and sufficient for the app. The database would be written in Postgres. (someone recommended using core for the app but I'm not sure where it would be suitable besdies a login in form) WPF since I haven't designed a GUI without wpf before Signal R or Websockets for real time messaging (Haven't used either before) The app itself is only designed to be a demo and support a few users. The UI is also quite simple, it displays your contacts and the last message sent in the chat between you and said contact. If there aren't any, you can use the search bar to look up the names of people on the app and send them a message. There should be a login and sign up page which the users should have to use to be able to use the app (haven't done either of those things before).There are still a few things I need to learn about, but knowing what I need to know sooner rather than later might be a better idea (Currently only have some of the UI done and was unsure what to proceed with)
14 replies
Created by AceChewy on 10/12/2023 in #help
❔ C# Roadmap
So at the moment I'm reviewing the the basics of C#, e.g. data structures and OOP, but was wondering how best to proceed so that I don't for example just focus on desktop development and learn the basics of most things to keep my eyes open (desktop development and web development seem the most helpful and "easy" to get into). I know for example that learning SQL is quite important, but it seems like a lot to learn SQL alongside CSS and HTML for example if you're learning both SQL and web development. (I still don't quite understand how the different languages are combined into the final code to produce the finished product so if someone could explain that I would be grateful)
9 replies
Created by AceChewy on 9/30/2023 in #help
❔ Converting code to another Language
So for an engineering/ cs project, we’re making a satellite (lookup CanSat if you want more details) which is in essence an arduino board hooked up with some sensors and it only really supports C ( you can use Python and C# but it’s a bit clunky) so I was wondering whether there were any services which could help convert code to a different language or guide me in converting the c# / Python code into C. I understand this isn’t necessarily a C# problem but I think we hoping someone has an idea. (I’ve got thought about phind ai but I’m not sure how accurate that will be depending on the size of the code).
22 replies
Created by AceChewy on 9/27/2023 in #help
❔ LeetCode Alternatives
Leetcode is quite difficult to navigate at times as some questions are not correctly labelled in terms of difficult and sometimes require you to have done other problems before attempting it even though the problem comes first. And so, I was hoping whether anyone knew of any other websites which support C# but are a bit more linear. (I've had similar experiences with exercism but not too the same extent
27 replies
Created by AceChewy on 9/25/2023 in #help
❔ Organising some Code
So I've been doing leetcode to become better at cracking problems and becoming more efficient at coding however, I'd like to store my older not working Code somewhere along with the revised versions. I've tried Google docs but it isn't the best for that. Any ideas?
5 replies
Created by AceChewy on 9/11/2023 in #help
❔ Sign up /Log in form
I need help creating a sign up form for my app. I understand the components, but still find it quite confusing. It should be pretty simple, you can press login or sign up on the form. If you press log in, you type in you email and password but if those can't be found in my supabase database, then it shoudl return this does not exist. When pressing sign up, the user should be prompted to input an email, username and password to sign up with. trying to sign up with an exisiting email or username should not work. I understand how the xaml to making the the sign up form, I mostly need help with database connections and the backend. Git (to make viewing code easier) :
17 replies