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All posts for C#
✅ Task not returning and stopping program
❔ DbContext
✅ The specified deps.json does not exist while scaffolding DB
❔ C sharp object reference error
Interoperability issues (PInvoke)
❔ FluentAssertions excluding collection elements
✅ Best way to display a 2D array
❔ Creating a folder with FtpWebRequest
Wrong count for my inversions function
✅ Need some help with classes
✅ Type Casting
❔ Mocking with EntityFrameworkCore
❔ How to use BeginTransaction in repository from infrastructure
✅ EXE from MAUI
❔ Refactor help`
❔ HTTP code not returning expected result.
❔ Missing *browse* option in VS2022 Settings.settings
❔ EntityFramework many-to-many relation does not work
❔ Idea for better approach for below problem?
VS CPU profiler shows gibberish
❔ need help with a problem
❔ fullscreen console
❔ What type of variable is this?
❔ I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong
Do I need Facebook API to host their images?
❔ Dereference of a possibly null reference.
PC and Mobile behave differently
✅ Need persistent Dictionary that can be used between classes.
✅ Upgrading Javascript to Typescript in MVC project
Can I have constructor in my EF model?
❔ How to use abstract factories with DI properly?
❔ Best way to create a unique key made out of x y integer coordonates for a dictionary
✅ Discord Modal submits but keep pending?
❔ Bash ! event not found
❔ ProtoBuf cannot find imports
❔ Roslyn compiler magic?
❔ Authorize attribute automatically triggering oauth scheme
❔ Need help with a LINQ query
✅ testing EF CRUD functions
✅ string.Join returns System.Int32[]
❔ Blazor vs Hotwired?
❔ visual studio community 2022
❔ RestApi
❔ Generating SQL strings in a method?
❔ problem with ModelState
❔ Xamarin forms Show Context Menu on single Click
❔ Regex assistance
❔ Source generator & protobuf
❔ Are SqlCeConnection and SQLiteConnection objects thread safe?
✅ Mutexing List
✅ How do I load an earlier version of my code from github?
❔ Getter on code dom
✅ Best Practice on Return Types for Services in WebAPI
Best way to Convert a single element to IEnumerable element
❔ How do i count how many different vowels are in a string?
✅ How do i pass a function with unknown parameters?
✅ Work Items List deserialization returns null in Title and Description
✅ need help with a problem
❔ From which version, we can call non static methods in field declaration time?
❔ Translate entity framwork code to SQL
❔ Why and when does todoId property get updated i.e. its different between prints to console.
❔ How to remove auto startup of angular project from visual studio
✅ filter in json object?
✅ Can I create a Liststring in mssql ef core?
✅ How can i change the target Framework?
❔ ef migration snapshots
❔ Question How can I change the height of the titlebar buttons
❔ version switch
✅ Can't get `InternalsVisibleTo` to work
Iterator (Argument 1 cannot convert from 'Coding.Exercise.Nodechar[]' to 'char*' Compilation failed)
❔ Method call based on config file
❔ DynamoDB records are not being added
❔ Variable Access-Manipulation ?
✅ Nginx Errors
EF Core Model not-required property
✅ Package native libraries with nuget
❔ trying to encode and decode a user inputted string
Is this SQL design ok?
❔ Xamarin Authentication
Is there any reason why comparing struct types with null does not result in compile error?
❔ Is there any elegant way to generate a SHA256 hash ?
❔ WPF Use of multiple item controls
❔ Safe Stream Handling?
EF SQL question
❔ Invalidating Claims from previous sessions claims when Logging In
✅ How can I print a 2D array
❔ Weather API
❔ inserting data from visual studio to mysql databases
❔ Asp net core routing
After upgrading .net from 3.1 to 6.0 We are getting this error in the pipeline Create ef migrations
Can someone explain the use of Dispose?
❔ Can't use string interpolation within {}
.Net Identity JWT has weird claim
✅ To run a docker compose file
✅ runtime error
How to structure this DTO?
❔ Why can't I host my ASP.NET WebAPI on Ubuntu ?
✅ What is wrong with my main method?
❔ How can I make it where I'm able to change the colour of the text
❔ ✅ remove from list (RevitAPI)
❔ Getting every point in a convex hull
✅ Type shown that isn't present
❔ ASP.NET CORE Can't deselect context class
❔ Designing a Worker system for a game
❔ ASP.NET Core default template app fails with Electron.NET - I don't understand the ports
✅ Cannot convert from anonymous type
❔ Tersest way to get (up to) last 3 elements in an array? (source array may have less than 3 items!)
❔ Building APIs Ideas?
❔ Azure Key Vault for local development
✅ bind prop or field to Entry in MAUI
Binding Colors to WPF Window
✅ need help with a problem
✅ Caching an IEnumerable
❔ How to put in blazor server side?
✅ I don't know why this doesn't work.
❔ Connecting to the system resource usage monitor database
❔ Unable to get automapper's projectTo() to work properly.
❔ How do we download an image from url in NET 6?
❔ Can anyone explain how this actually work?
✅ Printing abstract classes
❔ How do I implement tabbed interface in WPF?
✅ another question about naming
❔ Blackjack card randomizer
❔ Invalid column name 'CityId'.
✅ Invalid cast between interface types
❔ How to make categories correctly?
❔ Task stuck on WaitingforActivation
❔ Is it ok if I have different response schema for the same status code?
✅ PostgreSQL foreach() insert not working
❔ How can I save a status of chechbox to a db
❔ I've been able to add Ms GraphClientExtension to Blazor WASM, but no more??
✅ How to return null in a generalized method?
❔ response body is empty
❔ There is no argument given
❔ Design pattern Iterator
❔ Minimum Chrome version for Blazor Server (NET 6.0)
❔ Unit testing code smell?
❔ Azure GitHub can't find project file?
✅ How to check whether a given list is present in the List of list
Design pattern
❔ Struggling to understand IConfiguration in CSharp(Blazor WASM)
❔ Rendering Jinja template in C sharp
❔ Migration from .NET Framework 4.8 to .NET7, Need .NET Standard?
❔ Assign JSON API Results To DTO
❔ Help with MultiThreading
✅ Whenever I read from a file, do I need to close the file if I want to read from it again?
❔ AvaloniaUI InvalidCastException
❔ Can I have 2 Azure web apps?
❔ Migrating to vscode from rider - Moving formatting settings
❔ Variables from different classes not adding up 2
❔ Error when using CefSharp's chromium browser
Better to read from IConfiguration or from database?
String interpolation help
❔ How to structure DTOs
✅ Accsessing Method in another class by object
❔ 'Can't find stylesheet to import.' using SASS with 'Web Compiler 2022+' extension in ASP.NET C MVC
❔ System.InvalidCastException when connecting to MariaDB in docker
❔ Conditional data seed
✅ Convert Enum to string
❔ Can't deploy app MAUI
✅ I'm having trouble understanding what is going on within this selection search
✅ Access wwwroot in Blazor wasm razor
Why is this so complicated? (Sending an email using SendGrid)
✅ Why is rng not working?
✅ Connecting desktop client to a web app. How to link the session via SignalR?
✅ while loop help(im new ish so its probs obvious)
❔ Upgrading a solution from .net core 3.1 to .net 6.0
Identity SQL error
How do i stop dotnet from adding Debug net6.0 subfolder to my output path?
Help setting up ASP.NET Core Identity and SQL Server
✅ Variables from different classes not adding up
❔ Predefined type is not defined when using dotnet-script
❔ Drawing lines in WPF
❔ confused about Error controller
❔ Ctor DI vs IServiceProvider.GetService
❔ Address already in use after a kill process
❔ Issue With Code
❔ [.NET 6][Odata 8] IQueryable Async
❔ Using Mediator with seperate API Contracts project
❔ [Git] How to grab your pushed changes back
✅ Csharp returns nothing while reading SQL data table
❔ claim type for Id(Primery key) of a Model
❔ Any way to make custom border in visual studio resizeable?
Is this the right directory for JwtHandler.cs?
✅ Can someone help me figure out how to write the quadratic formula? I keep getting an error
❔ Reading data from a text file
❔ Winform - How can I make something happen when clicking a word in a textbox?
❔ How to pass JS object to function.
Why does this code have a Required attribute?
✅ GRPC Compiler error in Docker
❔ Multiple Processes communication
Copying files from network path (c, .net)
✅ Disabling new Visual Studio tips
❔ ObservableCollection + multithreading
❔ PostgreSQL DateTime in EF Core
❔ Most efficient way to retrieve a range of objects from an array
❔ Help me fix my byte-bit conversion function
how to connect to sql server?
❔ how to name an event that only goal is to send message to player?
❔ Ugly foreach - can it be improved?
❔ how to show what i put in the text box only
TcpClient connection
❔ deserialize in csharp
❔ creating a word file
❔ Blazor JSInterop declare component-scoped javascript variables
❔ Removing items from a XAML window
❔ how to use ClaimTypes
✅ ThreadPooling
❔ Access page behind Azure OAuth using HttpClient?
✅ How do I create an inner margin in a container with buttons winforms
❔ Adding logic into a JSON serializer
❔ Stuck with a problem in Blazor, ASP.NET Core and MongoDB
✅ Is it possible to create a new repository after pulling some code?
ErrorTS2792(TS) Cannot find module '.lib'
✅ How can I change the directory of a file for Visual Studio?
❔ Troubleshooting large ASP NET Core cookie?
❔ Does the CSS import at-rule include import rules nested in an imported file?
git clean command in bash file
❔ ✅ Tree category EF Core
❔ What am I doing wrong?
❔ XML serialization woes
❔ Ace value of 1 or 11
❔ Game Design Brainstorm - Workers, Jobs
❔ Does BlockingCollection TryTake free the consuming thread to do other things?
npm version error
❔ Singleton Pattern
❔ EntityFramework async where possible?
❔ How to make asp mvc Net 6 and React ecommerce multilingual and multi-currency?
❔ Compressing an application with dependencies
Command WPF with viewmodel
✅ How do I make an exponent in winforms?
❔ Own map with the possibility of embedding points.
❔ .NET 6.0 - Nullable Strings with Dapper Model Classes
❔ Merging two projects together
❔ ✅ Deserializing a JSON array that contains a derived type AND a base type with JSON.NET?
❔ Question How can I get the name of the application the user is currently focused on?
❔ Assigning variables in switch case
How to generate a category tree
❔ New .NET Template fails GitHub action build
✅ Cannot convert from string[] to 'char' [SOLVED]
Creating and using an incremental source generator
Comparing types when using reflection
❔ Entity logic splitting
❔ Syntax error, datagridview shows nothing
❔ Invalid Data Exception when extracting files
❔ VS crashes when i try to add web browser
❔ [Homework] Console Game Help
✅ Newtonsoft.JSON correctly serializes data but erroneously leaves out arrays during deserialization
❔ IAsyncEnumerable and IQueriable unit testing
❔ Generics with different input and output type
❔ Can I use slice operator with loop index (remainder operator%)?
❔ My ASP.NET project isn't launching
❔ Making properties accessible by both static and non-static methods
❔ Windows Forms different controls but same event doing different code?
✅ What is better, in this case, Replace() or Substring()
❔ How to pass anchor tag values to controller to render view based on selected value
❔ How to force method call regardless of type?
❔ Double property with [Required] data annotation does not validate
❔ 'Type may be weakened' inspection in rider
❔ Where to learn building APIs ?
❔ The foreign key property 'UserRole.RoleId1' was created in shadow state
Possible to have one controller checking which button is clicked and render view based on it?
❔ Authorization convention for requests other than get
Sharing elements of 2 arrays into another array
Application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread?
❔ Registering Angular App that's in IIS to .Net
❔ Docker
❔ Unity3D C-Sharp Create class instance from Type
❔ Save each specified value in an input field as a whole when there are multiple tags in input field
❔ Not a question about how syntax or something about coding but, im trying to find the Themes Folder
❔ EntityFramework Relations doesn't work
❔ ❔ MVC - Chart - Model - NullReferenceException
❔ Get id from query or DTO
✅ Is it possible to check how long it would take for the battery to finish charging?
❔ ✅ How do I import System.Windows.Devices.Power?
❔ Capture parameter value with Moq decorated with the 'in' keyword
✅ Mention user in footer in Embed (.Net 6)
Map complex object (dictionary) from appsettings.json to model
❔ Passing a list of values to Stored Procedure in EF Core
✅ Input into list (Console app)
❔ POST request in swagger shows entire schema and parts of it are not needed in request body
❔ ❔ Docker-Compose cannot find Dockerfile
❔ IStringLocalizer with a GenericClass T in Resource filename
✅ Difference between [DataType(DataType.EmailAddress)] and [EmailAddress] data annotations?
✅ MS webshop example
Difference between using { get; set; } and not
❔ DbUpdateConcurrencyException
❔ Navigation properties internals. EFCore
✅ Mapping an Identity user to an instance of an EF core model ID
❔ Automapper map Id to Entity
✅ HashSet property with List backing field
❔ Cannot open output file for writing
✅ Passing Multiple Parameters Through A Button
❔ SQL Server | Count How Much Installment Paid and Left
❔ Is there a way to improve this code Performance ?
✅ EF Core, All models into one collection
✅ Incorrect math
❔ Antiforgery token validation in API's
✅ Naming functions using strings
❔ How should i asociate button click as enter
✅ Check a box on a website
Is it possible to create a program that just goes on a specific url,logs in and then activates smth?
✅ How should I structure 'exit points' in my program?
❔ Does this method cause boxing of value types?
❔ Help with realization Division by zero in wpf project
Get data from a model and display it as dropdown on client side in Razor
❔ Help with DI, i have different connection strings but same behavior for query DB
❔ Help with stream reading and writing and displaying information at a certain time
✅ Foreign key not working
✅ Shorten data querying line
❔ Blazor JS Interop - Return RTCPeerConnection from js to Blazor in order to close it
✅ Authentication with Cookies
❔ Check response size of http (gRPC) calls
❔ need help with visual studio community
Using the new INumber interface to determine if an object is a number without having the generic arg
✅ Polyphormism?
❔ I'm not sure what's wrong with my code
✅ WPF Build size triples after changing target framework to net6.0-windows10.0.17763.0
ASP Web-API with MessageBroker - Post was processed, what now?
✅ Trying to display a string backwards and lower case
❔ How do these SQL queries work?
❔ Creating a backend in .NET
✅ Finding the position of a string in a binary file
❔ ❔ Bind selected items
✅ İndexOf multiple matches
❔ Destroy objects in CSharp, IDisposable
❔ Multiple cascade paths and optional FKs
Foreign key to user
❔ REST and Subresourses
❔ Any good open source .NET centralized logging solutions?
❔ Using WHILE to sum numbers from 10 until sum == 1000
❔ .NET Project in GitHub
❔ Help with simple regex
❔ Choosing an MVVM Framework - Prism vs MvvmCross
❔ How do i enumarate this?
❔ Update-database error
Error Unable to materialize entity instance of type 'IdentityUser'. No discriminators matched the
❔ Including wwwroot folder
❔ StreamWriter and StreamReading help
✅ array
❔ NAudio clicking sounds when playing from received packet.
❔ ❔ Better way to map object
❔ How to uninstall. NET Core SDK 7.0.100?
❔ Wpf popup drag ?
❔ Why is my grpc so much slower then my minimal api? Need The Csharp Gods
❔ Random List of strings
❔ Explain This Speed Difference to me (Grpc vs Rest)
❔ EF core large field slows the entire query down
❔ Is it possible to make the gui ratio change when switching to another monitor?
Why cant i go into the methode? Seems to skip it entirely
❔ ❔ WPF Slider
❔ Clear the confusion `TagHelper`, `TagHelperComponent`, `TagHelperComponentTagHelper`
❔ How to make property auto-increment?
❔ Where to find ready made product design?
❔ Creating a XML-document and adding subnodes
Trying to compare grpc to minimal api performence- minimal much faster, Logic probably rotten
✅ error
❔ In the SQlite library, which method will throw exception when the disk is full
Unable to publish MAUI App
❔ How to Scale Winforms Components with Window Resolution
✅ Done! Chartjs has one wrong entry and i dont know why
❔ Callback consumer to async Task
❔ The type or namespace name Model could not be found
❔ The type or namespace name 'MAUI' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft'
❔ EF Core Sql Server JsonDocument
❔ How to set relative properties ?
❔ The local source doesn't exist (MAUI app)
❔ How to upload a MemoryStream as form file in a web request?
Mocking FileStream for integration testing
❔ Passing parameters to Services
❔ Abstracting html in Razor
Pinging localhost [Answered]
Expression returns false even though it should return true
❔ How to bind DateTime in query parameter?
❔ Foreach loop
Calculate obj Age [Answered]
❔ Removing JSON data from JSON File
❔ DateTime Property [Answered]
❔ Database ID not beginning from 1?
❔ How can I access a member of a different class in a dictionary
❔ Does nopcommerce support blazor in. Net 6?
❔ Quickest way to get an async function to run?
❔ Query won't filter
❔ Should I separate the add and edit page in a web app?
❔ DI Question
Azure Functions output binding to HTTP request (trigger) and storage queue? [Answered]
❔ empty string not being recognized
❔ Dev certificate works for one aspnetcore API but not another? (net6-osx)
Streaming a csv file to a console app with minimal api-How?
❔ for is tough
❔ EF Core nullability vs API nullability behavior
❔ Better way of handling this?
MAUI Entry Point - MauiProgram.cs [Answered]
❔ UNITY Vector3 not applying
❔ run unknown amount of tasks for some time
❔ Making two dlls interact
? syntax [Answered]
❔ api to api authentication
❔ Can I get all the pictures from the images folder? In Maui
❔ How can I get the Visual Tree root of a Xaml process?
What does [..^1] represent in this line of code? [Answered]
❔ Can't get around on how to instantiate this.
❔ Registering a User with Identity and EfCore calls the OnConfiguring Method of my AppDbContext?
How to convert this method into a generic one?
❔ Inconsistent accessibility [Answered]
NSwag openapi2tsclient keep property names
❔ Data trigger [Answered]
❔ How do you merging Dictionaries into one Dictionary?
❔ Awaiting for multiple interactions DSharp+
✅ Not able to Insert data to table using Dapper
✅ I don't understand GC
unable to use while proparly [Answered]
Unable to create an object of type 'UnitOfWork'. [Answered]
❔ WPF binding expression of property from ItemsControl item with viewmodel property
❔ Disable Swagger index.html Routing
dotnet new console
❔ How to pack third-party files together with exe and then access them from the code?
Need some help with marshal
❔ how to add the screen zoom in and out to audio (UNITY)
❔ Naming enum value for level or floor for a building
❔ Display data saved in database in a specified format
Is it possible to subtract a character from a string?
How to call a function when you don't know what function to call?
✅ Multi-Threading not working
❔ Sort a list
✅ array.sort help
❔ Task.WhenAll does not work without Task.Run inside
❔ How to target. Net 6 when migrating from. Net framework via Upgrade Assistant Tool?
✅ Associating properties with field
Why are Linq methods incomplete? (MinBy, MaxBy, etc.) [Answered]
❔ Viewing List from ViewBag
❔ System.Net.Http Not Found
Nullable approach with property defined in base and initialized in derived classes [Answered]
❔ Why I am having issues to register my services.
❔ How bit wise shift operation work
✅ Weird InvalidDataException in switch statement
❔ Anchor TreeView in WinUI 3
❔ TCP Server receives messages only after closing connection
Switch order when two cases meet condition, How precedence work here?
❔ Distance dropdown list from combobox
❔ Check What Generic Type a Class Implements
❔ import and unload dll
❔ Margin
Is it possible to create a text box that receives data from right to left? [Answered]
❔ Something wrong with my code
❔ parse a single json property differently
What am I doing wrong in Clean Architecture?
❔ Release mode garbage collection is much longer than debug mode
❔ Getting the cookies and current Url from Webview [MAUI]
What is the difference between these two methods? Using params or just doing everything in one class
❔ How do I pull information out of a function with alot of information?
❔ Single UDP Broadcaster to Multiple Clients
❔ how to logout specific user with identityserver
❔ The type 'Attribute' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced.
How do I create a class with an array within it?
❔ EF Core - Select items such that attribute sum is greater than...
❔ alternative to switch statement or if statements?
❔ deserialize json object which should be an array
Can Free Visual studio community work for 1 web developer? [Answered]
❔ Returning an async dictionary ?
❔ Lazy initialization question
❔ Delete lines from a text file in UWP
❔ ASP.NET access select element's object choice
❔ Wat!! How is it possible that a regex adds more words to my Dictionary?
❔ Does Required attribute work for controller parameters?
❔ How do i register my services in ConsoleApp .net 7
Rewriting for my Dijkstra algorithm
❔ Help me out please
Everytime I move on to the next form my exit code activate for some reason [Answered]
Why am i not getting all the words? After fetching them with HttpClient and try to loop them through
❔ Load Blazor components from a string
❔ Embed and Self-Extract C++ DLL in a CSharp Library
❔ ASP.NET Core search
Best pratice for REST-api [Answered]
❔ Write X amount of lines to file and then start overriding
Connection Attempt Failed HttpException
❔ Loop pyramid
Display value of EnumMember on Razor Page View
user32.dll how to add icon on message box
❔ Setting Up NLog with DI
System.AccessViolation when passing a fixed pointer to opentk [Answered]
❔ Space Problem
❔ Messy Build Directory
❔ Getting exe path of entry point
❔ httpclient not sending request and no exception is thrown
❔ SSRS PDFs to Sharpoint
Shadow Effect in WPF
❔ Using two lists, compare, and render based on smaller list [Answered]
❔ Multithreaded application blocked a lot (no locking) [Answered]
❔ C code wont run
Decorator vs Adapter pattern
❔ JSON array to List KeyValuePair with Newtonsoft.JSON?
Use class from different project in my tests project [Answered]
ASP.NET TempData alternative for my use case?
❔ how can pass a google authentication code from my browser to my unity app
Help with refactoring [Answered]
❔ How do I get an IntPtr from a Span [Answered]
❔ How to download my ASP. NET project from the web hosting's control panel
Connect together [Answered]
Blazor routing with multiple parameters [Answered]
❔ Data binding error
✅ Best practice usage of HttpClient in .Net Framework 4.5
❔ Compare Enum Values with submitted value
❔ Future Task
How to implement this toggle or switch button ? [Answered]
Get values from an Enum class and perform checking
❔ Sort dictionary according to the list of string (sorted keys)
❔ Linkedin share problem
❔ Refactoring a Tag class
need help with properties and their setters
❔ Would it be the fastest way to read text from a website with HttpWebRequest?
❔ Async Tasks (utility)
Copying from files [Answered]
❔ Convert ogg to wav
Modulus division returning 1 less than it should [Answered]
❔ Target runtime doesn't support default interface implementation.
simple question [Answered]
❔ Change UDP Port
Named tuple on delegate return type [Answered]
❔ Jenkins Pipeline with dotnet test
❔ Native DLL in source generator
❔ ❔ ❔ SemaphoreSlim that can be entered without waiting
Where do I download the .net framework sdks [Answered]
foreah loop [Answered]
❔ Importing functions by RVA instead of Name
❔ Patch for my C program
Button content not Visible
❔ one to zero or one relationship EFC
Unit Testing, AcionResult Metadata Properties and JsonSerializer.Deserialize [Answered]
❔ The view 'GetModel1' was not found
❔ Include several include within get method
❔ Convert relative URI string to route
❔ interface
❔ Optional parameter throwing error
❔ Seed Users with Claims
❔ How to get an attribute from xml file
❔ Csharp equivalent of JPA Stored Procedure Persistence
❔ AJAX MVC Table DatePick
❔ What is this notation? Is it a lambda expression?
simple for loop variable [Answered]
✅ How to terminate reading a set of string chars when a null character is detected.
How to create an entry in Contentful [Answered]
Copying File Error (not working)
❔ Windows App SDK won't deploy.
❔ class library that opens file and executes calculations?
❔ Angular + CSharp book using strange notation
Contentful problem version [Answered]
❔ Share problem on mvc project
❔ Entity Framework - paired tables. Can add but not remove from paired table?
❔ Inlay hints in omnisharp and neovim
filter System.string [Answered]
❔ The package ID is reserved - when it is not
❔ Where can i learn about APIs and how to use Postman properly ?
❔ C Task this.Dispatcher.Invoke lock problem
❔ Customizing assigned roles on sign in using SignInManager
❔ Converting ASP.NET 6 to ASP.NET 5
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient is not supported on this platform - .net6.0+ EF 6.0.0
❔ Changing object property not limited to scope?
ConsoleApp Freeze user input for 1sec [Answered]
❔ Can anyone help me out with a calculation project?
❔ How to pause BlockingCollection consumption?
❔ Percentage
Powershell result to c [Answered]
Create JSON object with numbers as names
❔ Separating struct array data
❔ class instance creation
Turning an Event into a Task [Answered]
❔ EF Core duplicating many-to-many?
Only one compilation unit can have top-level statements. [Project]csharp(CS8802) [Answered]
❔ ASP.NET Core ignore a specific warning by ID
Entity Framework Migration Creation
❔ Invalid input in memu
❔ check if string is valid guid without guid.TryParse
❔ .NET CORE 6 services
❔ Console Game Project (Memory Matching)
Find all HREFs out of string and extract value
❔ How to store session data backend?
❔ How do i sort a list of objects by multiple possible items
❔ ASP.NET Core how to let a controller be mapped only in development mode
❔ Turn off VS 2022 Preview
❔ Winforms rotated text in `ToolStripButton` appears bold
If I do console.clear() it just skips a bunch of lines instead of clearing
❔ Why wont visual studio auto format this with CTRL K + CTRL D?
❔ Changing TextBlock Background property in a static method
❔ SQLite with Muai ensure connectionstring to DB for all devices
❔ IEnumerable is empty for some reason
My code is stuck in a infinity loop [Answered]
❔ How can I check if any element of a list is in another list?
❔ How to parse a json response?
❔ Task.WhenAll for Tests, and other async questions
Entity Framework Core DB issues [Answered]
❔ Reverse proxy + controllers ordering issues
❔ where generic is itypea or itypeb
❔ A question about struct - interface implementation
❔ Calculate Area
My code is stuck in a infinity loop
❔ Blazor WASM PWA clear all cache and update application
❔ Render HTML classes based on properties (Blazor)
❔ Does WebClient have the same socket exhaustion problem like HttpClient?
❔ Serilog
❔ procedures
✅ Consuming REST API in MAUI
Help refactor please? I might have missed something big here [Answered]
❔ Models data is not showing in view with help of ViewData
✅ Software architecture for front-end translations
❔ Help with designing a functional container object
❔ Enumerable.Current is not null in debug mode but assigns null to variable
JSON Array to build a complex object isn't letting me create multiple different properties inside it
❔ Proper mocking for Unit Testing (NUnit)
❔ My code repeats my menu everytime a invalid character is added - i want to display a error message
❔ problem datetime
❔ Url.ActionLink is generating full URLs, not relative ones
dotnet watch run FileNotFoundException (System.Runtime 7.0)
❔ system.text.json source generator in net standard
❔ Extract PDF SDK logic inside .Net Blazor component not working, but does work with razor page
❔ WPF (Avalonia) Tab Pages
e different names during Serialize and Deserialize [Answered]
❔ How to write Process name into XML file ?
[CSS-HTML] Page Layout, annoying random lines [Answered]
❔ [SOLVED] Reducing the size of an executable
❔ [SOLVED] PublishAot and PublishSingleFile at thesame time
❔ ASP.NET Core Middleware running only once
❔ ❔ Upgrading my function app to .NET 7 - Could not load file or assembly System.ComponentModel
❔ How to set a time interval in a timer ?
❔ EntityFramework does not track changes for the select projection
❔ Using concurrent collections to add or remove elements for in-memory collections (server)?
❔ .NET 6 GET method returns OK even if there is no such endpoint
How to set a 15 seconds timeonly type varible ?
❔ yaml parser with native aot
How would I check if a generic type is unmanaged, then pass it to a method with where T ; unmanaged?
❔ dotnet build quiet still showing a lot of warnings
❔ Source code generator with reference to the main project
❔ First School Project
❔ Trying to get better at writting code. any advice?
❔ Issue with NotifyCanExecuteChangedFor from MVVM CommunityTK
❔ DateTime.Now UtcNow and UnixTimestamp
❔ How to Select Data with Included nested objects?
❔ How do I restrict user from using numbers in Name
❔ Data Annotations Configuration Validation
❔ abstract class virtual methods vs default implementation interface
Value binding
Just Testing to make sure stuff is still working [Answered]
❔ Console.WriteLine
❔ SQL Server | How to format column using BCP?
❔ Threading-unsure im doing this correctly, Ui thread gets frozen.
❔ determine if file in local folder is of email type using asp
❔ Understanding inheritance
❔ Reducing networking syscalls
This is a test of the emergency broadcasting system. This is only a test. [Answered]
❔ Do you create a separate .cs file for Delegates?
❔ ASP.NET Core reroute requests for static files to a different server
Avoid line break and wrapping (Formatting in rider)
✅ Source-gen on a .shproj
❔ API doesnt return dynamic object in ASP.NET Core 2.0
Sqlite package breaks maui app.
Setting response code for SPA static file to 404?
git push error 502
How to force implementation of concrete interface methods
how to use ReflectionAnalyzers
can anyone help with a wpf issue i’m having
Winforms DataGridView issue when setting column header text
.net Framework Console app check against modification and best practice deploy for auto update.
Frontend package management in ASP.NET Core
Creating a file with a fixed size
Getting the result from a list of tasks
Diff between the Ilist and List
Keep up with Db(First)
How to kill a process ?
XUnit crashing when a stack overflow occurs.
I need directions.
✅ Getting a string value from a set of strings stored in a text file
Reporting download progress with IAsyncEnumerable
EF Core - Code First - Add new non-null column to existing table with existing data
FormCollection converting value from input='text'
❔ Hello guys, I'm just trying to create two functionalities which's borrow and return books.
ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance of a class instantiated within Program.cs 'unable to resolve type'
Abstract class functions
Protobuf deserialization not working after upgrade to .net 6
remember me functionality in .net 6 razor pages identity
Embedding an exe in a program [Answered]
Are exceptions really that slow? - with .NET gRPC
inter process communication
any one can help me to put console read() in class
Programming with Paramerters (SOLVED) [Answered]
net5 out of support [Answered]
Banned Symbols Analyzer partial ban [Answered]
Difference between variable using and statement using?
The type name 'ServiceController' could not be found in the namespace 'System.ServiceProcess'.
Many to Many Matches and Exlusions
Edit Users
❔ When to use an Interface? Example?
Need help with creating a parking program (just text)
Silly Question -How do I clone these grpc examples?
Wpf choppy UI thread performance when launched without debugging
So I'm making a slot machine for my homework [Answered]
how can i accept only array of 2 doubles?
Getting 403 forbidden when trying to call the Github API [Answered]
How to organize and apply delivery fee in an e-commerce
apply height to sphere UNITY
Cannot parse custom emoji string into Emoji object
i dont understand why its erroring, streamreader is red
Write to file not working (StreamWriter)
Publishing a CLI tool as a single-file app
Phantom constraint
DBFirst one to one or zero
Error EfCore
Application works on Windows and WSL2 but fails in docker (Linux). Broken pipe
My code works - but is shows invalid string at the beggening for no reason
Will this service will be disposed using DependencyInjection?
Nested array in DataGridView
Web Application with separate protected areas
Naming conventions [Answered]
user input number error
Use static functions in runtime code (rosyln)
When should we use immutable data structures?
How to refactor and unit test this method.
Get directory tree of matching items [Answered]
Serial reading
Caesar Cipher Program - Display 'Invalid String' if the user enters a non-alphabetical character
EF Primary Key - int, uint, long or ulong?
delegate inside our outside class?
Enable nullable by default
Charge based on CRUD operations?
[Entity Framework] Issues with .Include()
How to create a linked list ?
In-depth template docs
Building new style .NET Project
Levenshtein distance method throwing `IndexOutOfRangeException` [Answered]
E-commerce suspend checkout while updating item price
Json and Yaml formatting for ASP project
Global variables in .NET web application
Authentication Flow Blazor
Making two dictionary writes atomic in multithreaded context
ASP.NET Core Logging in EventsViewer Filter
newbie trying to benchmark stuff
Generic Dto Mapper
is it possible to make a static with 3 different variables (double, string, bool)
Why my MD5 hash is weak?
How to define an Anonymous type lambda parameter in Linq Expression
Why can't an interface property have a private set? [Answered]
Font ligatures in richtextbox?
How to override virtual interface in an interface
My program closes after I run a foreach code. [Answered]
Slash command choices [Answered]
Update Text Color OnTriggerEntry
OnAppendCookie callback doesn't work
Path.Combine to folder behind
Use dll from project reference
What is the best practice for large data insertion and updates
What does it mean to git rebase a branch on top of incoming changes?
DTOs and the data in them
DTOs inside of DTOs
My vscode is weird
EFCore Cascade Delete when set to DeleteBehaviour.Restrict
ASP storage use cases
Incorrect dynamic lambda generation
How do i parse div before any of its children in Html Agility Pack(HAP) ?
Hexadecimal format specifier not working
DotCover shows class with no methods is 0% covered
Passing a string property to a command via a button CommandParameter in .NET 6
❔ How to consume RSS Reader
Why does this not work? [Answered]
GitLab CI CD artifacts not being carried forward to next step. [Answered]
crankshaft rotation
❔ Build .sln with MsBuild
Remove X-AspNetMvc-Version from the response.
omnisharp-vim doesn't recognize record
Creating DataTable columns dynamically - C
how to get client server lag of 2 machines running on the local network
Error in AsNoTracking()
❔ Anyone know of or use an open source pdfimage viewer + editor for the web? Using asp mvc core
What is the most common way to distribute .NET 6 application to general people?
Is this Loop and Method right?
Protect resource file
Why won't the second try-catch block propagate an overflowexception?
When to use Null Forgiving (!) vs Non-Nullable casts
Detect binary exists in environment PATH
what’s form in framework
Combining attributes ASP.NET Core
Getting coverage of a single test in VS
Error while compiling dotnet runtime
ASP.NET Core routing options
Build ref return with System.Linq.Expressions
out ref local?
Does Anyone know whats wrong with this code [Answered]
Does Anyone know whats wrong with this code
Help with Implicit Explicit operators
Is Recursive Hierarchy LINQ possible without performance hit or multiple DB calls?
Best way to serialize a date without a year [Answered]
how do i draw in
How does the flow of information takes place when something new comes up?
My head hurts understanding this LINQ
The type or namespace name 'IArchivable' could not be found
HTTP Request throws exception when invoking controller
Create new Desktop Icon Shortcut (lnk) using dotnet
✅ Discord.NET InteractionModule issues
WPF Find Action IDialogResult using it's string name (Reflection)
Call to async method waiting for execution even without await
Communicating with a Minimal API built with .net 6 from a React app
How to pass custom arguments to MAUI button click
Casting and output
Where does LinQ store its IEnumerable selections?
Update Multiple Entities in One Query EF Core
how to add a table to an existing ef core database created using EnsureCreated()?
Bubble Sort
Calculating post contents without fetching
anti forgery token asp global asax file
Compiler error? Or am I missing something important [Answered]
Caesar shift
Working with URL Audio [Answered]
troubles with a simple list...
How to handle depending on a library which is not available as a NuGet?
Convert code to utility or extension method
.net core Razor callback from Discord behind reverse Proxy
Need help understanding lambda statements and delegates
Need Python to C Sharp Conversion
Speed up reflection-based comparison
how to authenticate visual studio to Azure devops private nuget feed?
I'm trying not to repeat the same symbol on the calculator [Answered]
public static variable not changing
secure API keys in a .Net core Web app hosted on linux server
AutoMapper - map object from source to destionation's list of objects.
Retrive TypeDeclarationSyntax from a referenced type
Best csharp and framework related books?
[git] Push a directory as a new commit
Things require preview features... despite having enabled preview features [Answered]
What is meant by copy on build.
Middleware to modify url
MediatR and CQRS for basic logic
choosing Update software
System.FormatException 'Input string was not in a correct format.' - Correct format is entered
passing license keys to a unit test
AutoMapper - Ignore 'SourceMember' for specific type
Scale not changing UNITY
Testcontainers must override configuration before it runs the Web API, but it does the opposite.
any thoughts why this error ?
❔ ASP.NET Core MVC Put Value to Route on Form Submit
How to call a static method form interface in a generic class.
Counting Sort, display the array
FindWindow by lpClassName. Is there an event based alternative to polling?
Question for Code wars
Cannot resolve constructor for String type. Using Unity container
Text Manipulation
Source Generator only annotate method instead of class
Unable to build due to foreign keys [Answered]
❔ X509 Certificate from base64 string
Linq Concat not defined?
class problem
MVC - Razor Edit and View mode implementation on Model(s) and Controller(s)
Does Changing CLR version from V4 to No Managed Code in IIS has any effect on request?
IdentityServer antiforgery token bypass
Deal with clients that not support signalR
Bot not working?
Dependency injection questions
How to change cipher suites in .NET 6 on windows without regedit?
How to capture all user actions in a winform application to store them in a log file?
Entity Framework - MODEL and ENTITY
.lnk parsing
Fluent validation
How to change message?
Arrays in constructors and lists
Get list of all Classes using Interface.
dotnet SDK not found. [Answered]
Condense Byte[] to BitArray to smaller Byte[]
Replace a part from String
FizzBuzz as short as possible
Fastest way to change all items in a nested list
How does this delegate work?
SourceGenerator is not working with .net48 as nuget package reference
AssemblyLoadContext not unloading if system.runtime.caching MemoryCache used inside ALC.
SameSite problem - google cookies
Scale not changing UNITY
Keyset pagination with filters
Why Predicate contains in and parentheses?
Which .NET, ASP and ADO BCL classes implement the IEnumerable interface?
sum of all numbers in between [Answered]
Have to call .ToList() on DbSets for .First() or .Single() to work. Sqlite
a simple question
Assigning Lambda to Delegate (PurposesReason)
scope of using statements and extension methods
Reverse boy results yob
Use derived classes as generic parameter
Need help with (drawing)
Running MongoDump from C-Sharp Program in Linux Docker Container
UDP Multicast does not work as expected [Answered]
Sequential 'ForEach' functions doesn't work.
Integration Testing
LINQ expression could not be translated after converting object
HttpGet API Endpoint Accepting Array Parameter
I have a problem with running my code and I'm unsure if it is Visual Studio or my Code
How to put enum values in a list [SOLVED]
System.UnauthorizedAccessException [Answered]
ViewModel does not exsist in namespace, But it does
Parsing string to TimeSpan
What's the best way to not require forward declaration when traversing an AST [Answered]
Buffered download [Answered]
Save changes twice to db
Calling a function from a string.
Entity Framework - Migrations Production (Postgres)
creating migration for a database
Communicating between a console app and a hosted service?
.runtimeconfig.json in PackageReference not copied to OutDir
dotnet publish solution excluding projects with tests
Await Linq Expression
TestInitialize runs after constructor causing nullable warnings
EF Core Querying a List of Rows
[ASP.NET] Trying to understand the [HttpGet] and [HttpPost] tags
Creating a return to page button
azure functions isolated process
ASP NET Core 6 Launch without Debugging doesn't block Background Service but Debug Does
[ASP.NET] Middleware Stops Controller From Receiving Login Request
.NET 6 ASP.NET API [Answered]
Someone please figure out this sequence
Debugger skips over a HttpClient header with no error
Bullet Kills Wrong Enemy
Keep Model instances without RelatedModel in query
beginner help
how to print the bigger letter
Cannot retrieve updated object from context
whats swich case?
How to give my Select multiple=multiple dropdown list a checkbox to click on? And how to catch it?
EFCore models
Library console application
How to make a function stays
How do I check the length of an array when that array is null?
How to parse an expression that is a function
Simple Recursion [Answered]
Published WPF Program Unable To Run
Asking for an advice to apply Wpf.Ui on a existing WPF project
What is this type of Overloading?
Rendering and updating a colormap
Close discord with button
why doesnt my console application let me make Main() class?
arry with loops
Async operations cause errorless crash (Task.Run etc.)
EF Core - Generic repository update method
How to set connection strings for remote server
Accessing data from another project
keyword this is not valid in a static property
Harmony throws unknown location exception on Patch
Maui - layout above grid layout [Resolved]
.NET MongoDB Driver - Unsupported Filter Contains
Running PowerShell to install MSIX from .NET MAUI
Cant connect to Redis Database
How do I get all DbSets from a Context ?
Blazor Authentication passes GetAuthenticationStateAsync() three times
System.Text.Json.Serialize returns emtpy map
MAUI Webview target=_blank href redirects not working on android
❔ SQL Server | Can i use 'Case When' in Where Clause?
in vs2022, what is the shortcut for commenting xaml?
changing system(OS) font using code
byte[] does not equal a matching byte[], but the hex values match.
Proper syntax (or usage) for unsigned int
How do I sort lists from a text file
number or not HELP?
EF Core is throwing DbUpdateConcurrencyException, but only on the production database (MySQL)
OnTriggerEnter - When player is in zone for 3 seconds, take damage Help
EF Core Razor Pages and an MSSQL View
Slash Command optional parameter [Answered]
Referencing a nuget package without ever restoring it
npm won't install a package published just an hour ago
StackExchange.Redis RedisJSON
(Solved) Allow Unsafe Code - VS MacOS [Answered]
debugging issue
force 'normal' standards for parsing decimal numbers from string
Nullable strings in .net 6
CryptoStream decrypt encrypt
MySQL Connector Paramerts.AddWithValue, not working?
How do I efficiently stream data to disk from a websocket client?
Is there a good way to use a object from Type Type in a generic method?
Git Moving from feature branch to main [Answered]
Slash Command purge [Answered]
wait for processes [closed]
Collection was modified enumeration operation may not execute
how i can write words in arrays [Answered]
C Sharp Monorepo
Return a custom ProblemDetails from a controller. How should I do it?
Don’t understand nullable reference types
Get Environment Variables...
How to find the implementation of Math. functions
Making concrete object classes
SignalR Get Client State From Another Service.
Setting the id of an object to property in a nested Object on creation
EF Core many-to-many relation error
Angular Token Undefined
How do I simulate the logs I keep?
How do i publish an Core application
InvalidCastException Specified cast is not valid.
Camera Isnt Zooming Back Out
How to detect if my ASP.Core app is running from the ef-core tool in Design time?
Imported a package, but using statement isn't working?
Sqlite Entityframework
xamarin app
Structuring SQL database to accommodate models
How to version multiple self maintained dependent SDK packages pushed via azure pipeline?
Remove list element
Deserializing Given Text File Into JSON
.NETFramework 5.0 and 6.0 reference assemblies missing, but dotnet --list-sdks sees them [Answered]
cant change text label inside events?
denied accessing path string[] list1 = Directory.GetFiles(C_Drive, *.exe, SearchOption.AllDirectorie
Deploying ASP.NET on remote machine
SocketIO Libs for CS?
Project has no runnable target frameworks defined
Is there some way that I can have a method in a Dictionary?
need help with string formatting
Deserialize JSON to dynamic object without Newtonsoft.Json
Get data from api periodically
Datetime ToString format not being respected
Does anyone have experience with maps?
I need help with folder browse dialog [Answered]
Won't this code cause EFCore concurrency exceptions?
How the cache is stored
Add MonoBehaviour to object through script UNITY
Builder pattern question
Count updating before it's supposed to
how do i parse json into a class?
Spotify API
{ expected when creating new razor page.
how to insert values from readline into an array?
Help with WPF app
[ASP.NET Core] Apply a selfsigned certificate to core?
Whats the fastest way to write to the console [Answered]
Sort items in list to most similar to a specific string [Answered]
Tricky networking issue
Hi, I have simple golf game in Unity and the ball keeps hitting invisible objects [Answered]
Pomello MySql not mapping Bools correctly?
any benefit to async?
String alignment
Graphics.DrawLine and .DrawPolygon doesn't work properly
UNITY Get Quaterion to rotate towards Object
Help me again!
Help! How to fix this?
Matchmaking Connection
VSCode extension can't find nuget packages
Can msbuild resolve parent directories from pwd instead of through ..?
Interpolating a csproj xml property in the text of another property?
i have a variable in one method and want to use it in a different one
how to code a tic tac toe game
Project Structure Advice - Common Solution without NuGet
Modify property of object in List [Answered]
Source Generator InterfaceDecleration-IdentifierToken Syntax Tree Issue
does JsonPropertyName works for deserialization?
✅ Using a method that is running on another thread
Need help for loop
Union? of two binary arrays
XML Deserialize error
HttpClient DI or USING()
Wanna make a program were people get infected by a disease [Answered]
Error validation [Answered]
SignalR ConnectionManager Singleton
Task.Run swallows the exceptions [Answered]
MSBUILD Tools error with npm install
Chocolatey has Generic MSI Error
'The viewmanager.activeview must be a view contained within the viewmanager.window profile'
Any way to declare these variables more efficiently?
Why is mscorlib 2.0 an ExplicitReference in the Initial Items when running msbuild? [Answered]
What's the difference between these two libraries? [Answered]
ContactForm Not Sending Me Gmail
Why are out parameters inside an if statement condition not local to the if block? [Answered]
Cannot set readonly field in inherited constructor [Answered]
AddHostedService Implementation choosen on startup
Data Reading Suggestion
Published project via File System not updating changes
Update Variable Between Scripts
Iterative from Recursive [Answered]
WPF revalidate the object on any property change [Answered]
Cannot create comparer [Answered]
Net core 6 Web api update-add collections to a created entity [Answered]
Adding a library [Answered]
EF Core & Repository pattern
Pattern Matching to Check if 4 uint have the same value
I can't get fetch body as plain string [Answered]
JSON Parse Help
ASP.NET vs generic .NET [Answered]
Line Renderer Help
CSV Invalid Header Reading [Answered]
Dynamic settings (auto update)
Not sure what I'm doing wrong but my Total Fare is messed up [Answered]
Azure Appserice 502 when upload large file [Answered]
Can't access record members [Answered]
Newly hosted .net web app (Linux VPS) not accessing MySqlDatabase
Slash Command works but gives error? [Answered]
Unity 2 golf, ball doesn't stop rolling and... [Answered]
Source Generator For NuGet References
Hi I want to know about this in keyword used in the attached image. [Answered]
Debug azure app remotely
How to filter list so that if there are objects with same values in fields? [Answered]
How to assert HttpResponseMessage content in unit test [Answered]
How does content.mgcb work [Answered]
Multi-threading help
Getting Rid of Nullability Warnings
How to process IActionResult Ok(value) return in back end. [Answered]
ASP.NET Middleware [Answered]
Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core and issue with null suppresion
C sharp global functions
413 request entity too large postman
Modularity for functions in view
HTTP Post query
Serilog loses List-object- property values when serializing
TSelf generic confusion [Answered]
Wpf Resx files
require `mfa` claim only when user has `TwoFactorEnabled`
Does new {} create a new object that needs to be garbage collected? [Answered]
What does null! do in EF CORE? [Answered]
Project wont run
Recursively compressing image as webp
Errors from Nuget restore on loading solution
Is DTO and Automapper really matter in asp ?
C a Get Req with Basic Auth
Iterate over AD users and find some properties (EmployeeNumber, ExtensionAttributes, manager,..)
How do i do the following with AuthenticationHeaderValue class?
Pass DateTime.Add function as parameter
Net 6 WebApi Config EF cancel loop reference in update
List Add
Drawing Borders Between Provinces
❔ Need help with a Tic Tac Toe project
zalgo text turning into Chinese characters..
I need help with the last part of an assignment
Wpf cefsharp ChromiumWebBrowser closed
Public Static Variable Not Updating in other scripts
Run msbuild target only during dotnet pack
Fromfile is underlined not sure what I'm doing
EF Core not fetching sub-entities by Id [Answered]
Replacing A Specific Colour of A WriteableBitmap [Answered]
Compiler error [Answered]
[EFCore] add many Parent entities with Child entities, How to connect them in single SaveChanges
GroupBy cannot be translated using
Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf MouseMove event passing event args to command is passing null
Environmental Variables in VS 2022 [Answered]
Need help getting cest timezone
Hei all, I am new to this Server and I realy need help on specific Problem [Answered]
How to send multiple data sources to a view in 6? [Answered]
Uncaught Exception C++ hostfxr Handling
Entity Data Model Wizard
When to use EF queries, LinQ, or MySQLClient
Process Checker [Answered]
ArgumentNullException when argument is not null
WPF reusing the same template across multiple columns
Cascading DropDown
Assembly service finding
how do i submit a progra min vs to google classroom
WPF custom property not recognized by the compiler
Entity Framework DbContextOptionsBuilder.UseSqlServer() missing definition
Does API manual nuget downloads come with the package dependencies?
WPF passing binding to a template from DataGridTemplateColumn
Best way to implement a regex based lexer [Answered]
string query in C Sharp
is there a convention for validating login sessions with MVC?
Using SQL db to create object ID or application?
Object Initializers - To Parenthesize or Not To Parenthesize (that is the question)
How do I move my mouse curser on screen?
How do I move my mouse curser on screen?
SQL Error when trying to get an ID
EF Structuring Problem
data transfer between classes
A generic and efficient way to feed in text for a lexer or scanner
Blazor Re-render [SOLVED]
Restarting audio with MediaPlayer?
What's the meaning of CS0659?
How does Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter handle nullable structs?
Most convenient method to handle 3D vectors?
can anybody recommend where I can learn about file format encoding internals e.g pdf, doc, epubs
Files on desktop [Repost]
Index was out of range. How to check if list has items without triggering this error?
Websocket buffer size performance and latency
Files on desktop
SQL and Visual Studio Retrieving a Table
Best way to do a discriminated union struct
What's the purpose of MarshalByRefObject?
How to deserialize dictionary using Newtonsoft [Answered]
Mocking derived class with abstract base class
The maximum length of the index
EF Core migrations script failing but not enough details!
for loop returning nothing
Best API for low latency
[ASP.NET Core 6] Performance when registering a lot of singleton as services
File Packages ?
Read a file line by line and append to a Blazor element
[EntityFramework Core] Populate complex object from query with join
What's better to get in request?
Getting `Cross Origin Read Blocking` in ASP.NET web API when trying to serve an image
Making a panel semi-transparent
Not understanding what I'm doing wrong
password cracker
Hi, I'm having a error in my code in Visual studio and I'm writing with C
Compare Year and Datetime year
creating a HostProcess to control other apps
WPF Tooltips in validation templates
Create a app
Blazor WASM - Hosted Services During Debug
name variables
checked number digit
Collapse|Expand all nodes in tree
Wpf Disposition
Launch WinForms app when user inactive
Need a Roadmap and guidelines
Correct POST and PATCH
does anyone have an example of using Google Authenticator authentication as part of a SPA?
MVC dependency injections vs sql queries
I can't find any setting to disable these annoying popups that hide my code (VS2022CE) [Answered]
how to search for a value in a list
Differing covariant arrays [Answered]
How to access web.config file for core 6 app ?
Clean way of adding elements to IEnumerable
413 even when DisableRequestSizeLimit
FluentValidation for particular values in absence of the whole data model object
Need help creating a small installer
Sharing data between two ASP.Net Core clients
Yield return
Pixel-Perfect collision for tile-based game
ASP Minimal API Deserializor - allow Fields
Nuget error when i build .sln [Answered]
Xaml site
Refactor constructor to be used with DI [Answered]
System.NullReference Exception Adding to a Dictionary [Answered]
Upload a Stream (file) to an Azure Function that uploads it to the Blob Storage
Declare method using T and where [Answered]
IAsyncEnumerable taking to much proccess memory [Answered]
Trying to wrap my head around singletons
Scaffolding Error - Requires a primary key to be defined
Async program execution
Progress bar in console app to show download progress
Hello guys, can someone help me out with this simple project? [Answered]
How to edit a sln file in visual studio 2022
How does EFCore Migrations work for actual deployment?
Convert int[] to byte[]?
Concurrent REST requests best practices if any? [Answered]
HttpRequestException Error Handling
Most efficient way to switch to a background thread
Routing issue with ASP.Net Core
read TCP stream issue
Get multiple objects in JObject path
Email with attachments
Understanding await control flow [Answered]
Bitmap From BitmapSource new Error [Answered]
an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
how can i get locked property for winforms? [Answered]
Question concerning creating args
Minor Error Handling ; TryGetValue returning null [Answered]
Schedule code to execute at a specific time
What does MySQLConnector return in a SelectQuery if nothing is found?
Cookies doesn't work after PC restart
how do i print an arraylist [Answered]
Filter and give back a new object with Linq
QuestPDF round border
Inject http client only for specified service [Answered]
solved [Answered]
Http 400 Bad Request Response [Answered]
Window opacity not being effected in a method?
Many-To-Many with same fields of same type
Observable collection
How do I split these strings?
?.Show() Is not working [Closed]
How to stop two right-aligned elements wrapping around
Does anyone have any thorough resources or documentation on how to implement a custom Identity setup
Compiling and adding DLLs in VS Code
Drop composite PK and add new column PK with identity with EF Code first
How can I start the task by string?
How do I deal with a browsers own autocomplete suggestions?
Only numbers
Github action fail with appservice at Run azurewebapps-deployv2
string doesnt work?
Generate PDF file in WPF app
Background service with updatable configuration
New ConsoleApplication unable to reference WPF apps.
AppBuilder class
What is Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting used for? [Answered]
How to block a website in csharp? [Closed] [Answered]
i need help with my code
I need help with my program
whats the diffrence between int.Parse and conver.Toint32? [Answered]
Entityframework .Select vs Mapping method [Answered]
InvalidOperationException - EF Instance - Identity Resolution
MaterialDesignThemes Doesn't load on IDE
Why is my code not thread save?
rar library
Does DbSet.FirstOrDefaultAsync return a tracked entity?
Need help with a simple program
Rounding? (Urgent) [Answered]
Windows Interactive Logon [Answered]
Nullability in an assertion checking method [Answered]
Need some help
DllImport Troubles
Help [Answered]
How do I use recursive methods and constructions together? [Answered]
Compare keys of dictionaries [Answered]
Update SQL database rows with a dictionary [Answered]
List Serialisation
Can't get items to be added to update
Logging EF-core exceptions
IDENTITY_INSERT Error on table in which I am not even trying to insert?
Stupid JSON Question
Check if user already voted this post or comment [Answered]
inherit two interface that have same properties
Marshal class
Possible to 'intercept' a successful sign in attempt with .net core identity?
how do i count how much a user input the same number
Creating an Array of strings from a stringified JSON
im coding a guessing game but got an error [Answered]
How to use .NET 7 preview?
source and target
Sending email SMTP[Answered]
Execute multiple steps with error checking [Answered]
Window opacity isn't being affected?
Coding winforms on ubuntu? is it possible now? if yes how?
System.Net.Sockets spookyness
INotifyDataErrorInfo help
How to pass value to parameter that require IEnumable string [Answered]
Is Array.Copy decent for copying sections of memory?
Relationship between Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore and AAD
MSIX URI is inaccessible in Appinstaller
I'm having problems with a range of numbers and random generator (im new)
EFCore Updating an item after mapping with Automapper
Is it possible to allow an installer to downgrade dll's while not overwriting other app files?
Is there any way to simplify this, or a design pattern I should be following?
How to get service that not registed with interface
Assigning all StackPanel child element margin
less accessible??
Generics and type inference
Crash of the background worker because of the SQL connection
Minimum need data to create an Entity
MediatR commands and DTOs [Answered]
How can I send int value from 1 program, to another via internet?
Troubleshooting Visual studio .net 6, debugger
✅ Amazon Review Panic!!!
Search for text and sort by most hits.
Validation help
Prevent scrollbar from jumping down when viewing a list?
WPF Border around transparent image
Stack and Heap Memory [Answered]
PartialType from Nest.js in Csharp
Trying to add GrossWeight each time it shows up in the list
How to read DateTime from SQLite database using System.Data.SQLite?
Blazor VSCode --unable to find an installation of the browser on your system.-- [Answered]
Collection of different classes
NuGet behind a proxy
FluentAPI, Joining Table of the same entities
EF sets a property out of nowhere [Solved] [Answered]
Jenkins unable to build CSharp project [Answered]
✅ Embedding an application WinUI 3
.Net 6 on IIS (Port conflict)
Docker.DotNet - trouble connecting to the host from INSIDE of a pre-deployed container.
upload file that have huge size using asp net framework form
Cast failing on runtime
Need help on how to make an AOL style movable window inside of the main window
Nested KeyValuePair
Where is AssemblyInfo.cs [Answered]
Track gitignored Changes
.NET 6.0 not showing up in Visual Studio [Answered]
SignalR to SockJs [Answered]
Communication between variables in Multiple Threads
CS WPF (.NET framework) pass all mouse inputs to the window behind?
Creating a interface for a template engine for multiple different types
Native method that returns multiple random values
tough homework 4
Threading Return to old thread
Default struct with default value [Answered]
help datetime
Rotating image in 3D space
get public holiday of a country [Answered]
XML Deserialization Null Exception
Datagrid Sqlite With WPF
xUnit test not running after signing the test project assembly
Unable to resolve the .NET SDK version as specified
Is there a way to call generic methods through Type (from typeof or GetType) (without reflection)
Dotnet code generator web api question
MessagePack erroring
Core Api User Register Help
Converting id's to entities
How to deal with stack overflow error [Answered]
what is wrong with this code?
Should you assert input arguments ins
ASP.NET Core Web API that also controls hardware devices and interacts with a database
Invalid Expression term ||
can someone help me with this error
GetStreamAsync() Stream Always Null [Answered]
Socket Identification Help & Sending Bitmaps
Cannot find Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces
Coding on the go?
Access user claims + set attributes of called method in Global Query filter
Type cannot be found (CS7069) [Answered]
Write a method that finds the product of an array or set of numbers sent as a parameter and prints
WPF cannot capture custom event using Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf (solved)
Host custom control with handle in WPF or WinUI?
DGV Filtering
Beginner at C sharp, Having problems with Exponentiation
Visual Studio extension does not install
Disconnect a client from a TCPServer csharp
how can i get the product of the numbers in the result?
how much does a programmer earn?
Sort properties (with annotations) in class?
NATS Client timeouts all the time
So how can I make an XML elements schema
Making an azure Function to merge two JSON objects
How can I print backwards the numbers I get as a result? [Answered]
Where to map DTOs & Entities
Cookies not being set on localhost
How do delegates work
Access Azure Table Storage from 6.0 core
Exiting if loop inside of a while statement and starting over
How do i update a value and + add int values constantly
What is required for indexing with ranges? [Answered]
SendKeys() Access Denied
Download from URI in model error
how do i pick a random value from an array
how do i store multiple values in one string?
Implementing an inventory system with right click actions
Why only one EF Core Global Query Filter work but others are not
.net core webapi2 API key authorization
How to create css file linked to a razor page ?
Xamarin - Displaying JSON
Optimizing Memory Usage
C-sharp Video Extraction Libraries
API Design of login and refresh JWT token endpoint questions
System.CommandLine and injection of IOptions (not Option!) type
Interface that is implemented to multiple classes (different types of objects)
Wpf how to send custom event (or RoutedEvent) from parent to all childs that implement the handler.
Minimal API's WithName
EF Core Global Query Filter Exception
Foreach vs Count with likes table
Access list when creating an account
Keep getting infinity output when I dont want that [Answered]
Hide cmd output when executed from a Console app?
Passing the where parameters by the function
Error Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint
lc.exe exited with code -1
Run Method on other thread and call method on main thread after it finished
Create regex that returns the match only
Multiple types in a params without casting?
[XUnit, Moq, EFCore] Unit Testing Question
Azure function returning error
A way to get an integer input quickly?
How to keep track of third property in Many-To-Many
EF Core Global Query Filter with Nullable Exception
How to exclude ef core migrations from coverage statistics? [solved]
readonly struct and readonly struct instance members (optimization?)
Dont launch terminal windows when run Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Worker app.exe
sql timeout using dapper
How to make Random Password Generator [Answered]
get value from parallel for loop using Task.WhenAll
How to use relative path in referenced project within same solution?
Can't read Json in WPF
c sharp property validation if value is null
File names for generic class
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904) Invalid object name 'Stand.Identity.Role'.
I can't JSON to List ;_; [Answered]
MVC + Blazor Proper approach
How to pack dependencies with dotnet pack for a nupkg?
Storage of telephone numbers in a database
SQL Server Reactive view.
Python to CS entrypoint
Namespace cannot directly contain members Error [Answered]
yield return out of a thread
How to find out if a process fails?
Another Deserializing issue
Read application history
Empty Array and i don't know why
Deserializing JSON from HttpClient
Need help
When to use object or dynamic type
WPF read and write to Json [Answered]
Interactive with Print Window and Save File Dialog
Help) [Answered]
HttpClientFactory Content is not defined
Blazor - DisplayNameAttribute alternate option
Unit - integration tests for sending e-mails
What should 'Service Layer' do? (MVC; layered architecture)
[Repost] Process start
Kafka incorrect configuration
POST SQL Identity keeps returning id = 0 [Answered]
When to use Databases vs Filesystem Storage
Achieving polymorphism for an association
tough homework 3
Use reflection to get type of abstract base class [Answered]
automapper in net framework
ResponseCache duration in minutes instead seconds
Query over multiple entities using the same interface [Answered]
Custom Class Serialization
What am I doing wrong with this deserialized data?
Issue with JSON Serialisation
Mapster EqualityComparison
Bridging the gap between Linq expression trees and Roslyn parse
Composing a validation function using functional concepts
how to add to list [Answered]
easy movement
EF-Core data reference [Answered]
A ready-made ef core data search solution
Controllers purpose
Asp.Net Core OAuth2 Strip token of claims or Request new token
Project Structure
Hypothetical, downloading a Nuget package to a specific location [Answered]
interface instead of mapping one by one
Update Database with EF core doesn't work and no error message
dependency injection net framework
Safe to ignore non-null value on exit contructor? (disabling warning)
How should I start learning
Creating an instance of a class using DI [Answered]
Is there any benefit to write a Property with a private variable ?
How add analyzer for suggesting to add missing parameters or removing them?
[ASP.NET] B-Logic Services, Validation
Optimizing some string manipulation
Right way to use Interfaces in Large Scale Blazor Server Web Applications
Using dependency injection for internal classes inside a library
System.InvalidOperationException The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets
HttpClient only working in Main but not in another Class? [Answered]
Which workload for blazor desktop?
Entities and Models, DTOs oh my?
Style dependent on a property
Branching and release strategy for multi-project repository
Get Parameter From URL (MVC)
Login via external provider.
empty regex groups returning true from TryGetValue??
Ef core value comparer
Type as Parameter, and string[] from Linq
where does the default ASP Core with Identity put the registration and login form?
Parse XML response (nested path)
Nuget private source
validate json schema sent from request body to an api
trying to create an atm
Multiple classes defining same props vs inherit from base class
How I can make ASP.NET project not suck from services controllers side.
Interfaces containing static abstracts as type arguments
EF Core SQL Generation with Custom Type [Answered]
Converting ReadOnlySequence of bytes to object
Bot Discord
What is the best practice for versioning multiple API based components?
ASP. NET Core 6 - Architectural doubt, how to protect data access layer core services initialization
Trying to use Google auth in Web API
[SOLVED] What is happening in this snippet?
Running multiple instances of ASP.NET Core Web API in Rider
Supress NU1803
HTTPS Local Network No Content Case
Deserialization Error
Not sure how the byte[] works in Csharp
CS0229 false positive?
account system
MVC EF 5 - How to reference Model FK Properties?
Embedded Statement cannot be a declaration
steam workshop game update
Combine two Expression Func [Answered]
Emitting classes with TypeBuilder [Answered]
What is the commandline to install the dotnet 7 sdk on Ubuntu?
Read and Set a variable from another script in unity
Post-build batch command help
await threads to finish their tasks [Answered]
vs null
I want to pay someone to do a project for me for school
Manipulate browser session storage manually to hack claims into Blazor
Testing a class that relies on timers
WTH is going in this code?
Not avialible in CSharp 9.0 use 10.0 or greater
❔ Using the output cache in a web api
dependency injection in net framework
Processing incoming networking messages
Replying with Rebus
VSCode working with SharedProjects [Answered]
2D Scrolling Background in Unity
Blazor WASM Authentication with separate APIs
appsettings.json in legacy application
Download file, decompress and keep in memory
DotnetCLI Get Project Root Path - Database Recreation Script
Hangman exercise - line 41-47 not behaving.
explicit null param
Use X509Certificate2
How do i create a external file containing previously entered strings?
DateTime format into DateOnly
Find file duplicates | Optimize
Sandcastle Help File Builder not building (or alternative)
What is the process for making SQL server open to remote connections?
❔ How can I tell if an app has been opened?
Serilog per sink and per log type loglevel override
Is it possible to check moved or updated files in real time?
Pass a value on a click event
[.NET Core 6][HttpClient] Storing JWT in cache
SignalR stream data to a specified client? [Answered]
Hidden input fields and security concerns
Replacing font table in RichTextBox (WinForms)
Call public method
Debugging recursive algorithms
Automatic Formatting with MSVS
asp net core api response using composition over inheritance
File logs and docker
Reload the list
EF Migration error
get the address from pointer offsets.
natural sort
I need help with chromium
something is very wrong here
❔ tough homework 2
Dependency injection, but critical resources are only available after building the service provider
Rider not working after running repair on VS 2022 [Answered]
Choosing a license for a software specification
Line-seperated list from KeyValuePair
Method works when dependent Method never called?
tough homework
i keep getting eror massges [Answered]
WPF-Format do it topmost
how do i check if a integer is positive ?
Is there a way to catch Blazor's StateHasChanged as an en event in JS?
Overlay (Not clickable and selectable window on top of fullscreen window) in WPF
Override Function and add variables?
Return amount of denominations
ASP.NET Video Recommendations?
Hotkey system
Console.ReadKey() binds to Consolekeyinfo
Asp.Net Core Localization Resource File Naming Scheme
Wpf won't compile because SomeClass do not exist in SomeNamespace (but it actually exist!) (solved)
double array yields only zeroes
What does 'Intellisense' refer to?
Cloud Blazor web app - Mitigate malicious crawlers from wasting container resources
How can i achieve something like this
Should I use && and || operators at the end of a line or beginning? [Answered]
Confused about interface default implementations [Answered]
Anyone have experience or know of an open source barcode reading library for images?
Jquery.load() with MVC how to load view when Exception appear
Tested it a lot of times but still giving unexpected error
Dockerfile cannot find dependent project in the parent directory
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
DLL Unable to load file or assembly [Answered]
ASP.NET Core 6 - Strange Monitor.TryLock behavior
System.Diagnostics.EventLog [Answered]
LINQ Lambda-Expression Diff
Custom Control WPF - Combobox with search bar and listview
Databinding Issue Win UI 3
Dynamic Binding for DataGrid WPF
Using a derived type in Action
how to implement webrtc for blazor
Convert Object to IFropmFile
Blazor Dropdown bind to value
Get multiple substrings from a main string
WPF - Canvas does not respond to key press anymore
Get longest consecutive date 'streak' [Answered]
Simulation or game loop using async-await and events [Answered]
EF Core 6 - Create table if not exists by means of Add-Migration
Value data not being updated when duplicate version found
Channel Discord
How Do I add a Xaml Namespace inside another xaml
im trying to code a 4 digit password cracker
How to save Checboxes values into single column?
ReadKey() input question [Answered]
insert other application window to my main window
EF Core .NET 6 - Access DbContext from singleton service
Stream consumption
How would I use WindowsRuntimeMarshal.GetActivationFactory in .net 6?
Calculating length of a Span of bytes when encoding text [Answered]
HashMap. Create entry (int, string[]) a push into value immediately
Is this good enough?
long model from api when we use DeserializeObject (working with asp)
The right HTTP-Verb for assigning things
Vscode and local reference to dll
My code isn't running as anticipated
.NET Desktop Runtime needs disclosing in the first 2 lines of MS Store Listing
how to get html element in .cshtml file
File comparison
What should I use to operate on solution files
TaskCompletionSource.SetResult() executes on the same thread as the waiting one [Answered]
Embedding dlls into a compiled exe [Answered]
Difference between nl-BE and nl_BE?
SendKeys.SendWait not working
String Reversal
Periodic task
Fast look-up algorithms
Why is react .net core not serving my SPA files?? [Answered]
XAML Objects?
Migrations with dapper [Answered]
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Imutable' when using source generators
Generating random numbers (int32) [Answered]
Visual Studio doesn't work as expected with source generators [Answered]
Blazor WASM Hosted uses wrong basepath on page reload
Calling a static abstract method without a generic type [Answered]
WinUI3 app doesn't run outside of Visual Studio
Learning Agile and Scrum on my own, looking for advice, resources, insights
Proper C multicatch syntax
Change output directory of nuget package
Can someone help me? I got this error
How to use custom DateTimeConverter for selected endpoints?
.NET Program that runs in the background [Answered]
How do I check if a list in an IConfiguration has any values [Answered]
Why is my code not runing? [Answered]
Integration testing a web API [Answered]
Stream.DisposeAsync() .NET Standard 2.0 [Answered]
Is this how all API's work?
Wpf Itemscontrol child access
Send image to API with HttpClient Post
api to accept header
What's the most optimal approach to learning to implement functions?
Visual Studio project structure
minimal api create own authorisation?
Docker build failing
replace 'backslah' to 'doublebackslah' but if char already not double
Simpler route to get into webdev
Api question
Enable button from another Form [Answered]
raw string vs verbatin string [Answered]
Windows Visual studio 2022 designer bugging out
Shell Extensions
Parsing a string into a Vector of bytes most efficiently
NullReferenceException on FirstorDefault()
Equals for structs [Answered]
Turn recursive entities into model [Answered]
LINQPad 7 - Insert Record [Answered]
Why all my randoms are the same? [Answered]
Enum vs string const class
Display base64 img on Razor page
[Blazor Hosted .NET 6] Server is no more returning index.html
net core to net framework for some reason
Grouping an IEnumerable based on multiple fields of the target type
update dotnet
XAML Tutorials For MAUI?
Default mapping logic from jwt payload to claims
How to handle results from a service [Answered]
Can not download file on dropbox
whats wrong with my code? [Answered]
Why isnt webclient reading pastebin?
Find all methods with an attribute using GeneratorExecutionContext
Color brush from App.xaml
Thread.Sleep(int32) not working? Send Help [Answered]
date time excises
Dependency injection - transient services inside a singleton?
dotnet restore to ignore packages
Dapper map to multiple Dictionaries
receiving, saving and returning UTC DateTime
How to access wanted property of a class instance? [Answered]
Can someone help me i got this error? [Answered]
Capturing keystroke signals
Parsing JSON
Accidentally merged untested code in the stable branch, can't find the merge to revert [Answered]
EF Core + SQLite order by decimal value [Answered]
Rider suggestion - creating a property for a DateTime field will introduce struct copying
Can someone explain this for me
HashCode randomly changing on structures.
COMException on Windows.Storage.Pickers.FolderPicker
Linq Where JsonSerialization not working
Microsoft's DI Hierarchically controlled lifetime manager? [Answered]
Disable bootstrap multiselect options after selecting
Reading Configuration
XAML Binding error, cannot find source
I want on a click of a button in form1 to change a thing in 2nd form, but can't manage [Answered]
Unmanaged struct backed INPC ViewModel, only raising PropertyChanged when backing field(s) changed
Trying to fade In and out Object
MAUI Problem [Answered]
InMemory testing doesn't store seeded data
Lambda or extension method reference [Answered]
Can't install EF core tools [Answered]
microsoft.visualbasic.devices.computerinfo alternative for .net 6
wpf maximize makes app full screen
how i can import to .net project?
HttpClient.GetStringAsync() is slow
WinUI3 - Button always disabled [Answered]
MVC - Checking existing user unique ID number (personal real number) in database [Answered]
Json Parsing cuts of my string after serialising my object
How to get the date from the database as UTC?
Searching a string for a substring containing operators
Post build event error [Answered]
Sqlite Error 19
Delete nodes of tree data structure where children count is 0
Is there a way to determine the free space on a drive by using a text file ?
Set property based on another
Hello everyone, I would like to know how to set times for each lesson and each day of the week..
How to subscribe an EventHandler? [Answered]
why does my windows forms app ignore pastebin text?
Image switching on bool change [Answered]
C try catch not working why ? [Answered]
Datagrid Exclusions
Reading file content from Azure Blob Storage
LeetCode - Clone Graph [Answered]
How to save time on multiple file zipping
Help recquired please! I got stuck at using ui controls like dropdowns and radio buttons im .net cor
Blazor Components not rendering
Enumerable merging with Enumerable
dotnet format and jetbrains rules
Variable Validation
I don't understand what this is asking for at all (sry for bad title) [Answered]
How to convert a Predicate to Expression
I need help for register
Remote robot state and commands - best patterns, practices?
Inject AppDbContext with parameterized constructor
How does `internal` work in this code? [Answered]
How to return a named predicates
TCP - The IO operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request
Minimal Api Attributes
What's a repository and the repository pattern? [Answered]
Newtonsoft.Json deserialize issue [Answered]
Need help converting xml to C [Answered]
List as a field of an object. [Answered]
Capturing images from specific DirectX window
how do i edit registry keys that cant be edited even as admin
What's a runtime explain me like I am 5 [Answered]
Create a `Delegate` from a `MethodInfo` [Answered]
Creating template with parameters on line basis
Dereference of a possibly null reference [Answered]
The process cannot access the file 'homedeepinsideRiderProjectsxplattestxplattestobjDebugnet
Does AsNoTracking improve Performance in this Case?
Correctly reading tabs from text file. [Answered]
Hello guys, I would like to print out the property names and the values but can't find the right
Enum or SQL Table?
Url.Action not working [NOT SOLVED]
How to set the `Area` and `Controller` dynamically in a form of a `Partial View` ?
Equal values but if return false [Answered]
JsonPath Query [Answered]
while() loop exits after first run [Answered]
ASP MinimalAPI Autzhorization
Why is not this button working?
Debugging code that emit types, bugged Type.FullName
CQRS and Event Sourcing
EF Core Add-Migration only includes key columns [Answered]
what is the easiest way to make a prime number finder
How do i pass data from one form to another?
Mutiple Database
Save values from dict [Answered]
VScode-equivalent functions in MSVS [Answered]
Publish fail [Answered]
Example of 'Exception Continuing Up The Stack'? [Answered]
Cannot find governing FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement for target element
When to use services [Answered]
Exception vs Logic
MAUI - Weird footer and header when changing from NavigationPage to AppShell
Mapping outgoing enums to a specific shape in Core [Answered]
get minecraft versions list [Answered]
How to use RedirectToAction(), RedirectToRoute() or Redirect() to specific endpoints on this Action?
Validating an object not received during a request(FluentValidation) [Answered]
Dependencies of dinamically loaded .dll are not found [Answered]
Is there a way to make int [] and byte [] point to the same memory area? [Answered]
exception subclass for try-catch block [Answered]
License Key System
Project Path
.NET 7 Rate Limit by IP address instead of Path
How to access to the 'Index' Action without write it after slash
Best resources for learning SQL Server [Answered]
Outlook Interopt
System.EntryPointNotFound when trying to get C++ method
How to structure unit tests [Answered]
How to Add 4 System.Drawing.Images into a Grid? [Answered]
mgcb editor doesn't running [Answered]
How do I add the Data folder to the Build?
monogame project templates doesn't have icon
Auto placing
Parsing websites using C [Answered]
WPF Handling crashes more gracefully. [Answered]
❔ Should a beginner at webdev learn React or Angular for the frontend to go with ASP.NET?
How can I sort a list of entries (Id, ParentId) into a tree hierarchy? [Answered]
Need Help with creating a JsonSchema
Error Handling vs Type Enforcement [Answered]
Hosting an API
WPF InputBinding with Mouse4 or Mouse5 (X1 or X2)
App.Config vs Resources.resx [Answered]
Using multiple RateLimiters correctly. [Answered]
Abstract List of KeyValuePairs
MAUI navigation to new page with injected viewModel
catching an exception in an async Task [Answered]
pass data onclick from one page to another page in asp net
ASP NET Core default DI-Container, how pass in constructor not-registered parameter? [Answered]
Should I return the whole created object in POST or just return the id of that object ?
asp net cshtml javascript file
Change Visual Studio suggetions with custom analysers
Program won’t run with just .net runtime [Answered]
NullReferenceException Object reference not set to an instance of an object
DbContext.SaveChangesAsync has no effect on the collection of changed objects
WindowsIdentity claims don't include all AD attributes, how do I fix that?
how to create a jwt for an existing user in identity
Need help finding memory leak [Answered]
EF 6 - Creating entity with n-n
How can I make invisible Console NOT winform
namespace missing imports after copying class [Answered]
How to combine null coascence and ternary operator?
.NET CORE 6 - Injecting IDbConnection... is it good practice?
Using instruction
How can I inject methodname into ILogger.Debug()-call without changing useage everywhere?
Two SwaggerUI for one Solution
MediatR - Can't create Responder [Answered]
how to exponential regression in c sharp?
embed or hide package dlls
ASP.NET MVC Legacy Route Hell
Paradoxical initializers [Answered]
Merge 2 csharp documents in visual studio [Answered]
upload video strategy in
Rotational matrix transformation
Generate markdown docs [Answered]
What does 1..^0 mean when used in array.
Get method for API
How to use Tuple in generic class?
RichTextBox not painting
How do you check if the port is open publicly for AspNetCore?
Get word at mouse function doesn't work as I want
Store generic Func T inside a colletion [Answered]
Can I have a `ListThingT ` where T is different for each item?
WPF DataTemplate access the button inside
Installing the 3.1 SDK on Linux via package manager [Answered]
How do I 'build' a QUERY with EF Core?
Does Azure.Storage.Blobs support thumbnail url on v12 ?
Replace node in immutable tree
[solved] Injecting configuration in (minimal) WebAPI
UnauthorizedAccessException [Answered]
[Help] understanding Architecture of a parcel system
QuestPDF + FontAwesome
How can I make a DirectX overlay for games?
Help me decode an old script (inexperienced)
JsonSerializer.Serialize skips children
Events and Delegates [Answered]
Geometric operations in the cartesian plan
Check for required admin rights to edit a file [Answered]
Disable prerendering on a single component in Blazor WASM
BinaryReader and BinaryWriter api behaviour incompatibility
How to get appsettings config data in program ?
EF without ASP.NET? [Answered]
serializer runtime type checking?
Excluding record member from default equality comparison
BinaryReader Question
Compile .NET Framework class library with NuGets to single DLL [Answered]
Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(3261, 5) [MSB4216] Could not run the GenerateResource t
How do i save Dictionary to a file and then read it from it? can't really find anything usefull on t
Direction for ASP.NET Core WebApp with Authorization without direct connection to database
Keyboard shortcuts [Answered]
Retrieving column initialized by trigger returns null
Microsoft, SMTP, and OAuth2.0 [Workaround proposed]
Getting unexpected result when trying to load resources [Answered]
Native Hosting .NET Runtime
How to close this stream ?
storageFile.CopyAsync break being used by another process
Automapper 9.x.x - 10.x.x
Mongo DBDriver, how to serialise DateTimeOffset
I need to build a static website at GitHub pages. Can I use NET technologies for that? What stack?
Replace element in immutable array matching predicate [Answered]
Creating a new view or using unnecessary data?
JsonSerializerSettings for ConfigurationBuilder
How do you create a MAUI project in rider? [Answered]
Suppress CS0618 for entire file [Answered]
How to write function in .net6? [Answered]
TimeSpan formatter [Answered]
How do you pass into a method a generic after you've reflected? [Answered]
Signalr not sending message(s) to specific user(s)
Rider line problem
Is it possible to publish a WPF Application into a single file with the font inside of the EXE?
Binding to Dictionary in WPF with a binding KEY
set default value of parameter to other parameter [Answered]
Checking if an arbitrary (remote) URL is a file attachment, and extracting it if it is? [Answered]
How does assigning default values when creating an instance work? [Answered]
Process.EnableRaisingEvents does not work on Windows
Top-level statements in MSVS
how to format multiple conditions assignments in return statement [CLOSED] [Answered]
Entity Framework One-To-One [Answered]
Database - Relationship returns empty set even though records are present [Answered]
Save storageFile to a folder on drive
Dynamically load .dll into .NET 6 Program
Move File To A Matching Type Refactoring
Class making my program run as a background process after I close it [Answered]
Hangfire - Unable to resolve services [Answered]
ASP.NET Website project without namespaces. Converting to ASP.NET Web application.
Best Way to Save Client_Secret and access_token?
How do I call a null event?
Idiomatic LINQ way to access both object and an object's property? [Answered]
How can I get the console to display arabic letters? [Answered]
Object null when using the same action controller
Creating an installer for an app. [Answered]
[ASP.NET Controller] No route matches the supplied values
Autofac 5.x.x - 6.x.x
is it possible to enable cors in net framework?
Would only learning blazor (for the frontend) be enough for a beginner backend developer?
Open file in first instance
Cant convert HEX
Is it possible to run code only when a hover event occurs in my application? [Answered]
[resolved] Cs equivalent of (0..10).map [Answered]
LLVMSharp guidance needed
Newtonsoft.Json error
Replace text in VS within scope or highlighted?
WPF UIElement.IsHitVisible help needed
regex help [Answered]
Using async,await in old codebase
Can't use exenstion medthod
Set foreground back to default color using csharp
differentiating use cases- Enum vs Tuple vs Array
How to locally loadbalance threadsafe [Answered]
Azure app insights api query problem
How do to generate HTML or PDF Docs from Source annotations (summary).
ASP.NET REST APIs with Custom Error Models
❔ Any known .NET 7 implementations of an Int24?
Combining func reference behavior [Answered]
Custom JSON serializer not working
ServiceProvider not providing registered service [Answered]
Index NavLink not working in NavMenu
Refactoring if else
Custom MSBuild SDK not found after uploading new version
How to create an observable collection that filtered from other observable collection
Help with Linq
AddDistributedTokenCaches and custom IDistributedCache
Razor component. The child content element 'ChildContent' of component 'EditForm' uses the same para
How to migrate table?
What is MVC?
WriteAsync doesn't always send data to all connected clients
Why can't I converter theIEnumable to a list ?
WPF Button controltemplate Icon Color
Need Help for MSGraph [Answered]
Load local db file to memory
miniMax algorithm
Deserialize wrapper object in route
VS JB Mono font not looking like Rider JB Mono font [Answered]
JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync() randomly hangs indefinitely [Answered]
dotnet6 project failing on static abstracts with preview features set to true
I need to serialize a bunch of non-primitive types. How would I do this?
When to use ValueTask?
How would you design a solution to this problem?
Write a String manipulation program [Answered]
C++ Interop - writing a shim to use an existing c++ library [Answered]
Are there dedicated .net framework or ASP discords? [Answered]
How to get these values from the dynamic json object ?
How to convert bitmap to 1 bit byte array?
Background Opacity in WinFroms
[FromForm] isn't available in .NET 6 for minimal API.
Display user data after login
How can I modify array values in a for loop ? [Answered]
Which UI?
How should I approach learning backend webdev as a novice? [Answered]
C delegates
debug profile does not exist
Share static variables between projects to build WebAPI
Extracting string from string?
How do I make MSVS change every instance name of a variable?
Why is the generic delegate does not accept my method?
Refactoring provider crashes
[Solved] COM Interop, Garbage Collection, and Runtime Callable Wrapper object management [Answered]
Ignore This... Sorry Testing [Answered]
WPF Navigationservices transfer data
ASP, Identity, Blazor Give Permission for delete to specific users.
Need help comprehending EPSON printer commands
Where is the VS colour options for this new feature? [Answered]
Use EF Core in Blazor WebAssembly Hosted, server side [Answered]
Blazor Server, Bootstrap modal, dismiss after validation
The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties
Inconsistent namespaces
Main() and command-line arguments
Send http request using postman
IIS Deploy ASP NET CORE Project
USB and Csharp
HttpContext.Current doesn't exist
Hi guys i have problèm [Answered]
Swagger multiple error types
What are exactly DbContext and DbSet in EF? [Answered]
Fetch api response status code always 200
ASP.NET Core Architecture - Classes for handling specific task
Wpf Button CommandParameter
Problem with creating controller based on EF Core
Get Enum Description with function
How to add command to right click context menu for solution explorer in VS 2022 extension
How to Share a project from VS code?
Why is C Sharp not as good and popular as JS? Do we have too many types in it?
EthernetIP and .NET
possible combinations of upper and lower case string
How different is this from a regular channel thread?
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