C#2y ago

❔ edit - how do i map the output of EnumerateAudioEndPoints to the wave device numbers?

when i have an endpoint notification callback registered, and try to dispose any sort of waveout or wavein on the callback, the program completely hangs. ive tried to explain the issue in words but nobody has helped me so i isolated the issue into a winforms project with no other code:
5 Replies
phaseshift2y ago
Put it on GitHub. Nobody going to download a random .rar
nut2y ago
nut2y ago
GitHub - manninxn/naudio_hang_issue
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nut2y ago
i think it was caused by the event blocking the thread the default device thing happens on idk but ive got another issue so lemme update the post (naudio)
Accord2y ago
Looks like nothing has happened here. I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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