C#2y ago

VS JB Mono font not looking like Rider JB Mono font [Answered]

I have to use vs 2022 due to rider not supporting xaml hot reload and am trying to make it look similiar however the same font looks differently in those ides
19 Replies
Indeed2y ago
Doombox2y ago
zoom/font size tends to be the main cause of fonts looking a bit odd, but seeing as they're both the same I'm a little confused the kerning and rendering looks all kinds of screwed up in the first image
Indeed2y ago
visual studio the oddest is the serif on the vs one
Doombox2y ago
does VS have separate zoom? In Rider ctrl+scroll just changes font size instead of actually zooming but zooming can mess with font rendering a fair bit
Indeed2y ago
i dunno, but no amount of zooming changes the font look
Doombox2y ago
tried other fonts? seems very odd that the rendering is that screwed
Indeed2y ago
Indeed2y ago
tried the same family but nothing diff
Doombox2y ago
Terrible font rendering in Visual Studio 2019 · Issue #108 · JetBra...
I've big issues using your font in Visual Studio. See the screenshot and config. JetBrains Mono 1.0.2 13px Visual Studio 2019 Professional 16.4.3, 100% screen res: 2560x1440
Doombox2y ago
managed to get ahold of this issue some mentions of plugins and ideal settings to use
Indeed2y ago
installing textsharp atm gonna try
Doombox2y ago
you're definitely not alone though
Indeed2y ago
ye, i mostly moved to rider for light-weightness and the looks
Doombox2y ago
and apparently the functional font rendering bigthonk Microsoft™️ Prroduct
Indeed2y ago
love them having milion different features but not the basic ones
Indeed2y ago
IT WORKS NOW ❤️ Thank you so much
Doombox2y ago
no worries, don't forget to /close sunglas
Indeed2y ago
was just about to ask how to XD used to multi channels
Accord2y ago
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