How the cache is stored
Hi, what kind of cache library do you use?
How to solve the problem of multiple keys?
Here is a similar problem:
The solution is interesting, but it makes the cache constant and can overflow (no expiry date of the item)
Stack Overflow
How to cache an object with multiple keys in C#
I have models that are unique in 2 or more properties. For example, objects of the class Entity are unique both by name and by ID.
public class Entity
public int Id { get; set; }
15 Replies
Which is better, storage in ram or e.g. redis? The app isn't big, just one server.
Anyone using this? Is it better than Microsoft's default?
GitHub - dotnetcore/EasyCaching: EasyCaching is an open source cach...
:boom: EasyCaching is an open source caching library that contains basic usages and some advanced usages of caching which can help us to handle caching more easier! - GitHub - dotnetcore/EasyCachin...
most of the time we just use MemoryCache
Cache in-memory in ASP.NET Core
Learn how to cache data in memory in ASP.NET Core.
Yeah, just
then you can inject IMemoryCacheIs it possible to clear the cache?
I used to test it but without a key I had a problem with it. I had to restart the application to clear the cache.
Unsure, never had to clear the whole cache. I guess you could wrap the cache and add a set of keys and clear if needed but feels hacky
You can remove stuff but you need a key as you stated.
Anyone know how to make multiple keys? Apparently it's called a tag
Not sure what you mean
Stack Overflow
How to cache an object with multiple keys in C#
I have models that are unique in 2 or more properties. For example, objects of the class Entity are unique both by name and by ID.
public class Entity
public int Id { get; set; }
I found a similar problem here.
The point is for one value to have many keys.
in other programming languages this is called tags
Unfortunately, I have searched the documentation and I do not see such an option.
Can you point to this tag concept in other programming languages?
Just looking, can't find it right now.
I saw in node and PHP that there are "tags"
Thanks to this, you can have many keys, for example:
There is a user, has an ID, Name, E-mail, telephone number and full name
You can search for it by ID, Name, E-mail and Phone
1 | User | [email protected] | +11 111 111 111 | John | Smith
search by id
= John Smith
serch by name User
= John Smith
search by mail [email protected]
= John SmithWell if you are willing to do a linear search you can obviously search for objects by any property. If you want an efficient search there are a variety of options (for instance, keep the data sorted and do a binary search, or build some kind of index) but for something like a dictionary (which is based on hash tables) there is no magic way to do a fast lookup on multiple different properties - that's not how hash tables work.
And MemoryCache uses a dictionary internally