C#•2y ago

Which UI?

Hey Guys, since it seems to be impossible from an Console App to get an Discord Authentication i will try to rebuild it. Which UI Framework should be the best to archive my goals? Goals: Discord Oauth Login Starting Console Apps via the UI And maybe showing some data
14 Replies
Thinker•2y ago
You definitely don't need a UI framework to get Discord authentication.
Heartbeat1•2y ago
okay. Then people give me wrong infos ... Thanks 😉 But which would be the best in this case if i still want to change to an ui?
Starlk•2y ago
It depends, do you want a cross-platform one?
Heartbeat1•2y ago
no only windows
Starlk•2y ago
Do you plan to support older versions of Windows, or are you fine with Windows 10+?
Heartbeat1•2y ago
yeah thats more then enough. It supporting a game that needs atleast windows 10 😉
Starlk•2y ago
Then you might want to check out WinUI 3 or UWP
Heartbeat1•2y ago
okay, which of these two would you prefer?
Starlk•2y ago
I'd say UWP because it is older and is more mature IMO, WinUI 3 is quite new $guiframeworks
MODiX•2y ago
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF): + Has a lot of resources online due to how old it is. + There are a lot of UI libraries for it - No longer maintained, as in, didn't receive any major updates since a long time. Universal Windows Platform (UWP): + Fast, and has a small binary size. + Has a nice UI out of the box (And also there's WinUI 2.7 to achieve Windows 11's looks and feel). - Is packaged and requires a developer license. Avalonia: + Cross-platform and is under active development. - Relatively new, so there are not a lot of online resources for it. Note: All of the mentioned GUI frameworks are XAML-based.
Heartbeat1•2y ago
okay thanks for the info then i will check both a probably the developer license will be a neck breaker ... 😉
Starlk•2y ago
I would go with WPF then Although the license is just $20, that is if you want to publish to the MS Store
Heartbeat1•2y ago
ahh okay,it didnt need an publish to the store 😉 i will check all 3 then and then decide
Starlk•2y ago
then WinUI 3 and WPF are the ones you should consider