Created by Heartbeat1 on 12/9/2023 in #help
Best Way to store data for an Discord Bot
Hey everyone, i need some input from some experts 😉 I am trying to build an Discord Bot who gives Roles to user when they put an Emote under an specific text. I know there are probably many bots that do exactly that but i want to practice my skills. So the first things already working but now i am at the point to store data and i am not sure whats the best way for it. Yes i could wrote it into my SQL Server but i think its way to overkill. So i thought about XML/Json files but i am not sure how good they are in that case. The bot will not have that much "traffic", since it will only be "private", but still at every emote it needs to check the Data in the files which can be edited every time. What would you do in that case? Thanks in advance
7 replies
Created by Heartbeat1 on 3/21/2023 in #help
❔ Razor Pages: Temporary Sites like Doodle Surveys with an Share Link?
4 replies
Created by Heartbeat1 on 11/21/2022 in #help
✅ Done! Chartjs has one wrong entry and i dont know why
7 replies
Created by Heartbeat1 on 11/8/2022 in #help
.net Framework Console app check against modification and best practice deploy for auto update.
Hey Everyone, i am creating an console app right now which i want to deploy in the next days. The GitHub repo will be Public so i need to find an way to secure my api against modified Versions of the Tool (i didnt think someone would do this, but people are people ...). Whats the best way to do this? And the second one i think its not possible to check for updates against github how can i deploy it to an self hosted website so i can check for updates?
4 replies
Created by Heartbeat1 on 10/30/2022 in #help
.net core Razor callback from Discord behind reverse Proxy
33 replies
Created by Heartbeat1 on 10/20/2022 in #help
EF Core Razor Pages and an MSSQL View
4 replies
Created by Heartbeat1 on 9/3/2022 in #help
minimal api create own authorisation?
Hey Everyone, i am still struggeling with my Project (simple Console App - Minimal Web Api - discord Authentication). So right now my Console app can fullfill the complete auth process to discord so i got the Access token in the console app, but what i didnt now before that the normal providers that i found didnt verify that token. so i am thinking of get a new api endpoint where i send my access token, proof the data in an seperate class and save all the data in an sql table. Then the next step would be that the api calls this database at every call to check if that token is correct and so on( so the authorization Process?) Is that something that's doable? Is there some Information to create an own auth process? Or is that an really bad way and i should try something else? Thanks for you help
16 replies
Created by Heartbeat1 on 8/17/2022 in #help
Best Way to Save Client_Secret and access_token?
Hey i got now the Discord Login on my Tool Ready but now i need to Safe Data like the Access_token, refresh_token and the client_secret. My first thought was to safe it in an config.json but then everyone can access them? What would be the best case for this?
11 replies
Created by Heartbeat1 on 8/13/2022 in #help
Which UI?
Hey Guys, since it seems to be impossible from an Console App to get an Discord Authentication i will try to rebuild it. Which UI Framework should be the best to archive my goals? Goals: Discord Oauth Login Starting Console Apps via the UI And maybe showing some data
20 replies