C#•2y ago

EF Core Razor Pages and an MSSQL View

Hi Everyone, i am trying to create an Page in Razor for an MSSQL View. I have two tables shown in the Screenshot which are linked in the View. The view as it self works fine in MSSQL. No i created the Model Class for it [Keyless] public class MarketView { public long ItemID { get; } public string Fullname { get; } public decimal averagebuyPrice { get; } public decimal averagesellPrice { get; } public decimal maxsellPrice { get; } public decimal minsellPrice { get; } public decimal maxbuyPrice { get; } public decimal minbuyPrice { get; } public DateTime Actdate { get; } } No when i am trying to create an EF Page with it it says no Key Found how can i manage it that VS creates an page for it? Thanks for your Help 😉
2 Replies
Angius•2y ago
Code generation in ASP is fairly limited. And since it's usually used to generate CRUD, while views only cover the R part of it, the generator can get confused Just make the page manually
Heartbeat1•2y ago
okay thanks i will try