❔ Trouble adding force to player object
Hi I'm writing some code for a class (I'm still really new to C#), and was having trouble with applying force to my player object when pressing the spacebar. Also, my if & statement doesn't seem to be activating (which might be the source of the issue to begin with). Thanks in advance!

9 Replies
boostCooldown = false
needs to be boostCooldown == false
ooooohhh thank you so much!
hopefully that makes it work 🙂
sure did, thanks again! 😄
I do have one more issue though
It seems that the force is being applied the wrong direction, shooting the player backwards
I tried swapping the - to a +, but that didn't seem to work
i don't know enough about how unity works to help you there, sorry 😦
No problemo!
Looks like nothing has happened here. I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.