C#β€’3y ago

HTTP Post query

I am currently learning the post query using HTTP from the https://ptsv2.com page. My question is whether what I get in my textbox makes sense as far as it goes, or whether I've just written garbage after all. so, this was the code
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var urlString = new Uri("https://ptsv2.com");
var newToilet = new HeadersMain();
var newToiletJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newToilet);
var load = new StringContent(newToiletJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var result = client.PostAsync("https://ptsv2.com/t/" + textBox1.Text + "/post", load).Result;
richTextBox1.Text = result.ToString();
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var urlString = new Uri("https://ptsv2.com");
var newToilet = new HeadersMain();
var newToiletJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newToilet);
var load = new StringContent(newToiletJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var result = client.PostAsync("https://ptsv2.com/t/" + textBox1.Text + "/post", load).Result;
richTextBox1.Text = result.ToString();
16 Replies
SteffOPβ€’3y ago
and this is the HeadersMain:
public class HeadersMain
public string[] Accept { get; set; }
public string[] ContentLength { get; set; }
public string[] ContentType { get; set; }
public string[] Forwarded { get; set; }
public string[] Traceparent { get; set; }
public string[] UserAgent { get; set; }
public string[] XCloudTraceContext { get; set; }
public string[] XForwardedFor { get; set; }
public string[] XForwardedProto { get; set; }
public string[] XGoogleAppsMetadata { get; set; }
public string[] XGoogleServerlessNodeEnvoyNopod { get; set; }
public class HeadersMain
public string[] Accept { get; set; }
public string[] ContentLength { get; set; }
public string[] ContentType { get; set; }
public string[] Forwarded { get; set; }
public string[] Traceparent { get; set; }
public string[] UserAgent { get; set; }
public string[] XCloudTraceContext { get; set; }
public string[] XForwardedFor { get; set; }
public string[] XForwardedProto { get; set; }
public string[] XGoogleAppsMetadata { get; set; }
public string[] XGoogleServerlessNodeEnvoyNopod { get; set; }
Cisienβ€’3y ago
you're just dumping the response, you're not going to get much interesting from that. You need to read the body to see what the response data was await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
SteffOPβ€’3y ago
oh, and more not?
Cisienβ€’3y ago
SteffOPβ€’3y ago
So, when I compare the input from the program with the input from the page, the same thing comes out. (I'm really new to this, that's why I get such stupid statements).
undisputed world champions
rn you are just outputting the header data of the response (result.ToString()) which looks good because it says "StatusCode: 200, ReasonPhrase: 'OK'" but it also says "Content-Type: text/plain" and "Content-Length: 41", which means the response also has a 41 bytes long-plain text content you can get the string out of the content by calling await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync() (as Cisien pointed out) and output it too, to see what it says
SteffOPβ€’3y ago
Yeah, I already did that.
var result = client.PostAsync("https://ptsv2.com/t/" + textBox1.Text + "/post", load).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var result = client.PostAsync("https://ptsv2.com/t/" + textBox1.Text + "/post", load).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
undisputed world champions
ok, but you shouldnt just call .Result on Tasks properly await them πŸ˜‰ $async
MODiXβ€’3y ago
For an introduction to async and await in C#, https://blog.stephencleary.com/2012/02/async-and-await.html
Async and Await
Most people have already heard about the new β€œasync” and β€œawait” functionality coming in Visual Studio 11. This is Yet Another Introductory Post.
SteffOPβ€’3y ago
oh Wait
Cisienβ€’3y ago
no, await πŸ™‚
SteffOPβ€’3y ago
yes, await so?
var result = await client.PostAsync("https://ptsv2.com/t/" + textBox1.Text + "/post", load).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var result = await client.PostAsync("https://ptsv2.com/t/" + textBox1.Text + "/post", load).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Cisienβ€’3y ago
don't chain those you're still calling Result on the Post var result = await client.PostAsync(...); var body = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
SteffOPβ€’3y ago
Thanks ! ❀️
undisputed world champions
probably wanna check result.StatusCode before you read the body, too πŸ˜‰ or call result.EnsureSucessStatusCode(), it will throw an exception, if the StatusCode does not indicate success πŸ˜‰
SteffOPβ€’3y ago
oh, thanks πŸ™‚

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