Best resources for learning SQL Server [Answered]
I remember finding some really good sites with great documentation and tutorials explaining SQL Server (and other DB concepts). But sadly I didn't save the ones I found. So, what are your favorite ones? If any.
26 Replies
MS Sql in particuar?
Probably yes. I mean, any really good SQL learning resource will be fantastic to have, but if it is a specific SQL Server one, the better. 😄
Well, you have a few flavors of SQL, ansi-sql, t-sql, and pl-sql.
I'd start with ANSI sql first, then explore some about both t-sql, and pl-sql.
I've seen a lot of good things from geeks for geeks lately, so maybe start there
for t-sql I'd look at primarily ms-docs, since they're the maintainer
For pl-sql I'd look at oralce, since they're the maintainer
for just playing around I also wouldn't install any sql service, but use a container instead.
You can also check out if there is a SQL Saturday event near you
What do you mean by "use a container"?
sorry, I meant use something like docker to run your sql services. MS SQL Server in particular doesn't have a clean uninstall, not sure about oracle.
Deploy and connect to SQL Server Docker containers - SQL Server
Explore how SQL Server can be deployed on Docker containers and learn about various tools to connect to SQL Server from inside and outside the container
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Tried installing a couple of times OracleDb on a laptop, it never installed
I think oracle has a docker image @Instinct,AI_REPOSITORY,AI_REPOSITORY_NAME,P4_REPOSITORY_NAME,P4_EULA_ID,P4_BUSINESS_AREA_ID:803,803,Oracle%20Database%20Express%20Edition,Oracle%20Database%20Express%20Edition,1,0&cs=3mCtePxC-tw_KbqpKxV0pQ4a8NhWLBsxRIHstBxnk_K0tyrjGmmzzcl6BZKJnxHRWQhdqW9unkYXx1M5f_06WgA
Yeah, the workmate might've start doing the worm if docker was added to the project as well are and SqlAuthority are the best
How do I do that?
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There's a server on SQL. That's another good resource for learning.
Are you talking about this guy?
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Sorry @MBARK your message contained blocked content and has been removed!
You won't be able to share it. Just share a screenshot. That's enough.
@MBARK you need at least Regular II to share invites
They're a common source of spam
These fellas list lots of resources (hopefully me sharing this screenshot from another group here, is okay, let me know if it is not the case and I'll take it down).