Created by BlueJayBird on 5/27/2023 in #help
❔ Use of Docker on ASP.NET MVC app publication (NET Framework 4.7.2) to Win Server
I'm in search of guidance and clarification. I'm not sure if I'm correctly understanding the use of Docker. Tell me if I'm saying anything wrong somewhere. I'm learning about deployment/publishing and I'm wondering if I can use #Docker to facilitate this. I have this solution in NET Framework 4.7.2 (I can't choose the technology used) and I want to publish it on IIS 10 on an external Windows server. The project is ASPNET MVC. It runs correctly on my local machine when I publish it as a folder in wwwroot. But when I do the same type of publishing on the server, it runs but with errors. I was thinking of using Docker to avoid dependency issues and ensure that the publication works on the server exactly as it does on my machine. I'm not sure if I understand correctly what Docker is used for. I found this very good video about using Docker (although it's focused on Linux server). This video is my initial reference, along with the official Docker documentation. What experiences have you had in similar scenarios? I'm using VS22. Let me know if you need additional information about my environment. Thanks in advanced.
3 replies
Created by BlueJayBird on 12/9/2022 in #help
✅ Is it possible to disable these properties on EF6? Web API 2 project, multi-layered, NF472
15 replies
Created by BlueJayBird on 10/27/2022 in #help
MVC - Razor Edit and View mode implementation on Model(s) and Controller(s)
7 replies
Created by BlueJayBird on 9/19/2022 in #help
What should 'Service Layer' do? (MVC; layered architecture)
31 replies
Created by BlueJayBird on 9/12/2022 in #help
Hidden input fields and security concerns
29 replies
Created by BlueJayBird on 9/5/2022 in #help
Learning Agile and Scrum on my own, looking for advice, resources, insights
13 replies
Created by BlueJayBird on 8/30/2022 in #help
MVC - Checking existing user unique ID number (personal real number) in database [Answered]
17 replies
Created by BlueJayBird on 8/24/2022 in #help
Best resources for learning SQL Server [Answered]
I remember finding some really good sites with great documentation and tutorials explaining SQL Server (and other DB concepts). But sadly I didn't save the ones I found. So, what are your favorite ones? If any.
35 replies
Created by BlueJayBird on 8/18/2022 in #help
I need to build a static website at GitHub pages. Can I use NET technologies for that? What stack?
I've done already something using only html files, adding some JS functionality and adding Bootstrap for the looks. But I'd like to add dependencies and make something more professional (though always static). What can I do without using Jekyll and taking the most .NET approach possible? I've heard about Webpack, Gulp, and others, but I don't know where to start (I'm pretty much of newbie regarding web dev outside the .NET ecosystem).
62 replies
Created by BlueJayBird on 8/11/2022 in #help
What are exactly DbContext and DbSet in EF? [Answered]
I was wondering if getting the DbContext is getting the entire DB and using DbSet is using the single tables. Is this correct?
6 replies