C#2y ago

Cloud Blazor web app - Mitigate malicious crawlers from wasting container resources

I have a cloud-related question. If I'm hosting a Blazor server web app and I want to prevent malicious crawlers from spamming my domain with blanket scans, what should I do? It wastes container resources that are otherwise typically idle. What approach is popular for this problem? I've heard of Fail2Ban, but haven't looked into it much. I wonder if NGINX + Fail2Ban would work
5 Replies
Henkypenky2y ago
Fail2Ban is nice, where are you hosting, do you have free access to the server? or do you have a panel like cpanel or plesk?
Auger2y ago
It's more of a docker container deployment. GCP cloud run specifically Although I'd be willing to change to something that supports orchestration, since I'm not sure if cloud run does or not
Henkypenky2y ago
did a quick google search and it seems possible
Henkypenky2y ago
Fail2ban for Google Cloud Armor
How to implement a functionality similar to fail2ban on gcp
Henkypenky2y ago
no idea how much it costs
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