C#2y ago

Replacing A Specific Colour of A WriteableBitmap [Answered]

Good morning, I am currently working on a method that is meant to search a WriteableBitmap image for a colour and replace it.
2 Replies
LukeZurg222y ago
Below is the method in question that i'm working with. How this works is that the provinceColor is found in the image, and from provinceColor I extrapolate a new countryColor which is meant to be redrawn over a countryMap. The countryMap/outputMap != the provinceMap/givenMap..
public unsafe WriteableBitmap ReplaceColor(WriteableBitmap givenMap, WriteableBitmap overWrittenMap, uint provinceColor)

var pixels = (uint*)givenMap.BackBuffer;
var overWrittenMapPixels = (uint*)overWrittenMap.BackBuffer;
var pixelCount = givenMap.PixelWidth * givenMap.PixelHeight;

ModData.GetColorsToProvinceIDs().TryGetValue(provinceColor, out var provinceID);
ModData.GetProvinces().TryGetValue((uint)provinceID, out var province);
ModData.GetTagsToCountryNames().TryGetValue(province.Owner, out var countryTAG);
ModData.GetCountryNamesToColours().TryGetValue(countryTAG, out var countryColor);
var newColor = GetRawColor(countryColor);

Parallel.For(0, pixelCount, (index) =>
var rawPixel = pixels[index];

if (rawPixel == provinceColor)
pixels[index] = newColor;



Parallel.For(0, pixelCount, (index) =>
var rawPixel = overWrittenMapPixels[index];

if (rawPixel == newColor)
overWrittenMapPixels[index] = newColor;


return overWrittenMap;
public unsafe WriteableBitmap ReplaceColor(WriteableBitmap givenMap, WriteableBitmap overWrittenMap, uint provinceColor)

var pixels = (uint*)givenMap.BackBuffer;
var overWrittenMapPixels = (uint*)overWrittenMap.BackBuffer;
var pixelCount = givenMap.PixelWidth * givenMap.PixelHeight;

ModData.GetColorsToProvinceIDs().TryGetValue(provinceColor, out var provinceID);
ModData.GetProvinces().TryGetValue((uint)provinceID, out var province);
ModData.GetTagsToCountryNames().TryGetValue(province.Owner, out var countryTAG);
ModData.GetCountryNamesToColours().TryGetValue(countryTAG, out var countryColor);
var newColor = GetRawColor(countryColor);

Parallel.For(0, pixelCount, (index) =>
var rawPixel = pixels[index];

if (rawPixel == provinceColor)
pixels[index] = newColor;



Parallel.For(0, pixelCount, (index) =>
var rawPixel = overWrittenMapPixels[index];

if (rawPixel == newColor)
overWrittenMapPixels[index] = newColor;


return overWrittenMap;
Problem solved. I was not conscious of the pixels being used. The method below works perfectly fine.
public unsafe WriteableBitmap ReplaceColor(WriteableBitmap givenMap, WriteableBitmap overWrittenMap, uint provinceColor)

var givenPixels = (uint*)givenMap.BackBuffer;
var overWrittenPixels = (uint*)overWrittenMap.BackBuffer;
var pixelCount = givenMap.PixelWidth * givenMap.PixelHeight;

ModData.GetColorsToProvinceIDs().TryGetValue(provinceColor, out var provinceID);
ModData.GetProvinces().TryGetValue((uint)provinceID, out var province);
ModData.GetTagsToCountryNames().TryGetValue(province.Owner, out var countryTAG);
ModData.GetCountryNamesToColours().TryGetValue(countryTAG, out var countryColor);
var newColor = GetRawColor(countryColor);

Parallel.For(0, pixelCount, (index) =>
var rawPixel = givenPixels[index];

if (rawPixel == provinceColor)
overWrittenPixels[index] = newColor;



return overWrittenMap;
public unsafe WriteableBitmap ReplaceColor(WriteableBitmap givenMap, WriteableBitmap overWrittenMap, uint provinceColor)

var givenPixels = (uint*)givenMap.BackBuffer;
var overWrittenPixels = (uint*)overWrittenMap.BackBuffer;
var pixelCount = givenMap.PixelWidth * givenMap.PixelHeight;

ModData.GetColorsToProvinceIDs().TryGetValue(provinceColor, out var provinceID);
ModData.GetProvinces().TryGetValue((uint)provinceID, out var province);
ModData.GetTagsToCountryNames().TryGetValue(province.Owner, out var countryTAG);
ModData.GetCountryNamesToColours().TryGetValue(countryTAG, out var countryColor);
var newColor = GetRawColor(countryColor);

Parallel.For(0, pixelCount, (index) =>
var rawPixel = givenPixels[index];

if (rawPixel == provinceColor)
overWrittenPixels[index] = newColor;



return overWrittenMap;
Accord2y ago
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