Created by LukeZurg22 on 9/12/2023 in #help
✅ UV Trouble
8 replies
Created by LukeZurg22 on 10/22/2022 in #help
Published WPF Program Unable To Run
I've been working on a version one of my project for a while now, and i've finally got it to the point where I could publish a version one. However, the version one I published doesn't actually run, and using the event editor I get a large error. I was wondering if anyone here can translate what exactly is wrong with my program that is causing it to crash?
82 replies
Created by LukeZurg22 on 10/18/2022 in #help
Deserializing Given Text File Into JSON
Good evening, I've spent weeks trying to get the data out of this text file into a proper set of variables to use within my program. So far i've no luck, and my best attempt was to manually read and parse every individual line with a tedious set of boolean checks. Any possible ways I could better parse this file?
12 replies
Created by LukeZurg22 on 10/13/2022 in #help
Data Reading Suggestion
Good afternoon, I have a text file filled with data that I am not meant to directly change. I need to read this file as efficiently as possible; are there any suggested methods?
8 replies
Created by LukeZurg22 on 10/12/2022 in #help
CSV Invalid Header Reading [Answered]
I am currently a CSV with a header of "province;red;green;blue;name;x", however my program expects to be able to read CSV's that are strictly int;int;int;int;string;x as opposed to (oops!) all strings as given. I cannot change the CSV; not allowed under any circumstance. I need to implement handling of invalid entries like this but I am uncertain how, especially in a way that won't bog down my program.
83 replies
Created by LukeZurg22 on 10/10/2022 in #help
Drawing Borders Between Provinces
3 replies
Created by LukeZurg22 on 10/10/2022 in #help
Replacing A Specific Colour of A WriteableBitmap [Answered]
Good morning, I am currently working on a method that is meant to search a WriteableBitmap image for a colour and replace it.
5 replies
Created by LukeZurg22 on 10/4/2022 in #help
Bitmap From BitmapSource new Error [Answered]
I've been working on a project of mine for quite some time, and I haven't encountered this error before. Data fed into the method converting an image source to a bitmap has not changed, nor the method itself. I cannot explain why I am getting this error, and google yielded no results.
74 replies
Created by LukeZurg22 on 10/4/2022 in #help
Minor Error Handling ; TryGetValue returning null [Answered]
I have a method that is designed to check through a series of dictionaries and compare the output keys and values. An if-statement is meant to check for any value that could not be gotten with a TryGetValue and instead do something else, but despite that check being there it spits an error exclaiming it could not get a value out to begin with.
37 replies