C#3y ago

Extracting string from string?

I have a string that looks kinda like this:
string superCoolString = ""something.something.thisthing","something.something.thisthing","something.something.thisthing" etc..."
string superCoolString = ""something.something.thisthing","something.something.thisthing","something.something.thisthing" etc..."
And i need to get only the "thisthing" part how would i do that?
3 Replies
qqdev3y ago
Split at , Get index of the last . Substring from there till the end I assume thisthing is not the same throughout the string?
Up3y ago
where are you getting that string from? is it like, a json file? an HTML document? a CSV file? it seems to have a specific format so it's most likely not "some randomly generated string"
MODiX3y ago
The XY Problem
Asking about your attempted solution rather than your actual problem

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