C#2y ago

✅ Best way to display a 2D array

What would be the best way to display a 2D array in winforms c#, with the best design, or is just printing it in a textbox the best way
18 Replies
JimmahDean2y ago
DataGridView Control - Windows Forms .NET Framework
Learn how to use the DataGridView control to show read-only views of a small amount of data, or scale it to show editable views of very large sets of data.
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Unknown User2y ago
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idris_20202y ago
where exactly would you put the code for array and and the ‘dataGridView1.DataSource = array;’ I have made a class for the array
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Unknown User2y ago
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idris_20202y ago
i want it to be there are the start and stay there the whole time but updating when it needs to be would i put it under the form1_load?
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Unknown User2y ago
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idris_20202y ago
aight ty
ACiDCA72y ago
did chatgpt generate this?
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Unknown User2y ago
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ACiDCA72y ago
sadly i dont trust them enough to give them my phone number else i would use it aswell..xD
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Unknown User2y ago
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idris_20202y ago
oh damn so i can use chatgpt for my questions? I that answer was written legit by an expert or something
FusedQyou2y ago
Just remember that ChatGPT can be very wrong with its answers Always take it with a grain of salt Other than that, pretty solid AI
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Unknown User2y ago
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idris_20202y ago
🗿 This doesnt work the datagridview stays empty how do i print to a textbox
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Unknown User2y ago
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idris_20202y ago
#✅ I am trying to output a 2D array to a datagridview, but it is not outputting correctly
Accord2y ago