C#2y ago

❔ Random List of strings

I want to create a List of strings and make a String variable select one of the strings from the list and assaign it into the variable. similar to the image, But I dont want the letters and length be random
9 Replies
NikkSazz2y ago
preferably in java
ero2y ago
yeah this isn't a java server
NikkSazz2y ago
ok c# whatever its the same thing anyways
ero2y ago
i bet the people working on the 2 languages would love to hear that i don't think this even has anything to do with Random
NikkSazz2y ago
its random selection from the list
ero2y ago
you want to make a string variable which chooses one of the strings in the list that doesn't make sense and doesn't have anything to do with Random
make a String variable select one of the strings from the list
NikkSazz2y ago
do you need to import something with using xx
ero2y ago
Accord2y ago
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