C#2y ago

Parsing Lua files

So I have .lua files, I simply want to be able to retrieve ande dit the values in the Lua variables toe dit them from a C# Gui application if that makes sense For example the Lua file has a variable LUA_STRING_VARIBLE = "bear" I want to be able to load and edit the file in my app to be able to change it to LUA_STRING_VARIBLE = "whale" for example. I can't figure out how to parse/read and retrieve values from variables in .lua files, I'm trying to use Nlua but I can't understand it at all
40 Replies
canton72y ago
Your post doesn't contain a question, which means it's less likely to get an answer What exactly have you tried, and what made you think it didn't work?
Titi2y ago
I've tried using a few LUA libs and I simply can't find any functions or features to read data from the file, and they're overly complicated
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MODiX2y ago
Hello, how are you doing?
I have a question, if you have time.
I'm working on [something] and I'm trying to do [feature]
the goal of that [feature] is to [x] and [y] because [z]
I looked at:
* official docs which are there [link1] [link2]
* detailed articles and blog [link1] [link2]
here is what I tried based on that
* [approachA] [codeA] [results] [logs]
* [approachB] [codeB] [results] [logs]
* [approachC] [codeC] [results] [logs]
* [approachD] [codeD] [results] [logs]
(Add link to repo / PR / issue if that even exist so they could run the code)

Is that the good approach ? what would you recommend ? do you know better resource to look at ?
If you have time later today for a pairing session it would be even better so we could tackle that and possibly upcoming question
Hello, how are you doing?
I have a question, if you have time.
I'm working on [something] and I'm trying to do [feature]
the goal of that [feature] is to [x] and [y] because [z]
I looked at:
* official docs which are there [link1] [link2]
* detailed articles and blog [link1] [link2]
here is what I tried based on that
* [approachA] [codeA] [results] [logs]
* [approachB] [codeB] [results] [logs]
* [approachC] [codeC] [results] [logs]
* [approachD] [codeD] [results] [logs]
(Add link to repo / PR / issue if that even exist so they could run the code)

Is that the good approach ? what would you recommend ? do you know better resource to look at ?
If you have time later today for a pairing session it would be even better so we could tackle that and possibly upcoming question
* you don't have wait for the party to reply especially Async (tchat/forum/mail/ticket/messaging app) * you wait if you're speaking verbally, audio call / conf call / sitting 1 meter away and you're sure you're not interrupting
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Titi2y ago
So I have .lua files, I simply want to be able to retrieve and edit the values in the Lua variables to edit them from a C# Gui application if that makes sense For example the Lua file has a variable LUA_STRING_VARIABLE = "bear" I want to be able to load and edit the file in my app to be able to change it to LUA_STRING_VARIABLE = "whale" by loading the value to a textbox in my GUI app I've tried using some of the Nlua functions but they don't return anything and are completely incomprehensible using (Lua lua = new Lua()) { bool filexists = File.Exists(extracted_filepath); // check if file exists LuaFunction loadedfile = lua.LoadFile(extracted_filepath); var outputstr = loadedfile.ToString(); var objects = lua.DoFile(extracted_filepath); var callresult = loadedfile.Call(objects); }
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Titi2y ago
really ? It's basically like parsing json but lua format, is what I'm doing really that rare
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Titi2y ago
I'll eventually have to do the same with XML and CPP files, I wanna edit some source files "programaticaly"
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Titi2y ago
yeah parsing was only the first step to get it loaded to my GUI do you know any solution for this ?
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Titi2y ago
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Titi2y ago
My GUI is pulling a data from a lot of different components, I need all in one
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Titi2y ago
can I import this to my WPF app ?
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Titi2y ago
This is gonna be a lot ahrder than expected 😄 I simply wanted a library that would do something like lueafile = lua.readfile("filepath"); string luavariable = lueafile.getdatafromvariable(variablename = "LUA_STRING_VARIABLE"); is this really alien and then same for writting, input variable name and value
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Titi2y ago
a game interface file trying to modify game data from my GUI it's a modding tool
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Titi2y ago
it's single player on my pc
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Anchy2y ago
He's referring to WoW addons which are written in LUA and are perfectly fine
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Anchy2y ago
we share similar servers
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Anchy2y ago
because the addons are on local im assuming?
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Anchy2y ago
It's perfectly fine to be skeptical of people haha
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Titi2y ago
well more like it's local changes that don't affect others
Anchy2y ago
these addons are designed to be edited and are Blizzards official modding API
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Titi2y ago
I was simply looking for some very simple data edition like quickly changing a color or string name, I'll probably just try some plain text/regex implementation or give up, thanks for the help
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Titi2y ago
someone suggested hardcoding the row names that contain the variables, prob the easiest way
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