C#3y ago

❔ ❔ ❔ SemaphoreSlim that can be entered without waiting

Hello, I am trying to find way to easily control how much threads can enter semaphore. I need something like SemaphoreSlim but that supports entering without waiting or Releasing with minus values. For example:
await semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync();
if (something)
semaphoreSlim.Release(10); // allows 10 more threads to enter
semaphoreSlim.Release(-10); // limits 10 threads from entering
await semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync();
if (something)
semaphoreSlim.Release(10); // allows 10 more threads to enter
semaphoreSlim.Release(-10); // limits 10 threads from entering
I there any built in object to do it? I really don't want to implement such thing myself.
2 Replies
kuba_z2OP3y ago
Ok, I had to write it myself:
internal class AdjustableSemaphoreSlim
private readonly object _lock = new();
private readonly LinkedList<TaskCompletionSource> _sources = new();
private int _count;

public AdjustableSemaphoreSlim(int initialCount)
_count = initialCount;

public void Release()
lock (_lock)
if (_sources.Count != 0)

public void Release(int count)
lock (_lock)
_count += count;
for (int i = Math.Min(_sources.Count, count); i > 0; i--)

public void Enter(int count)
lock (_lock)
_count -= count;

public Task WaitAsync()
lock (_lock)
if (--_count >= 0)
return Task.CompletedTask;
TaskCompletionSource source = new();
return source.Task;
internal class AdjustableSemaphoreSlim
private readonly object _lock = new();
private readonly LinkedList<TaskCompletionSource> _sources = new();
private int _count;

public AdjustableSemaphoreSlim(int initialCount)
_count = initialCount;

public void Release()
lock (_lock)
if (_sources.Count != 0)

public void Release(int count)
lock (_lock)
_count += count;
for (int i = Math.Min(_sources.Count, count); i > 0; i--)

public void Enter(int count)
lock (_lock)
_count -= count;

public Task WaitAsync()
lock (_lock)
if (--_count >= 0)
return Task.CompletedTask;
TaskCompletionSource source = new();
return source.Task;
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