C#ā€¢2y ago

ā” How to correctly write this linq query?

I have following code:
private string FormatLocalDateLong(LocalDate localDate)
=> localDate
.ToString( "dd.MM.yyyy", _ruCulture );
private string FormatLocalDateLong(LocalDate localDate)
=> localDate
.ToString( "dd.MM.yyyy", _ruCulture );
I decided to extand function and did this:
private string FormatLocalDateLong( LocalDate localDate )
=> localDate
.ToString( "dd.MM.yyyy", _ruCulture )

public static string FormatResolvedValues( this string localDate )
=> localDate.EndsWith( "9999" )
? "/"
: localDate;
private string FormatLocalDateLong( LocalDate localDate )
=> localDate
.ToString( "dd.MM.yyyy", _ruCulture )

public static string FormatResolvedValues( this string localDate )
=> localDate.EndsWith( "9999" )
? "/"
: localDate;
All I want is to write the same without extansion FormatResolvedValues Smth like that but I don't understand how to write it correctly:
private string FormatLocalDateLong( LocalDate localDate )
=> localDate
.ToString( "dd.MM.yyyy", _ruCulture )
? "/"
: ... (I don't want to write .ToString() again);
private string FormatLocalDateLong( LocalDate localDate )
=> localDate
.ToString( "dd.MM.yyyy", _ruCulture )
? "/"
: ... (I don't want to write .ToString() again);
6 Replies
SWEETPONYā€¢2y ago
ah.. I don't know why.. but FormatLoclDateLong returns "/" or null ..
Tvde1ā€¢2y ago
private string FormatLocalDateLong( LocalDate localDate )
var stringDate = localDate.ToString( "dd.MM.yyyy", _ruCulture );
return stringDate.EndsWith("9999")
? "/"
: stringDate;
private string FormatLocalDateLong( LocalDate localDate )
var stringDate = localDate.ToString( "dd.MM.yyyy", _ruCulture );
return stringDate.EndsWith("9999")
? "/"
: stringDate;
šŸ™‚ or
private string FormatLocalDateLong( LocalDate localDate )
return localDate.Year == 9999
? "/"
: localDate.ToString( "dd.MM.yyyy", _ruCulture );
private string FormatLocalDateLong( LocalDate localDate )
return localDate.Year == 9999
? "/"
: localDate.ToString( "dd.MM.yyyy", _ruCulture );
SWEETPONYā€¢2y ago
I hadn't thought of that! thanks but any way I don't understand why my extension method returns null. it's strange
Tvde1ā€¢2y ago
that's weird indeed
SWEETPONYā€¢2y ago
ok my bad thanks for your idea
Accordā€¢2y ago
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