C#2y ago

Help) [Answered]

I have relation with table in different database. I searched it possible if we use 2 queries and you can map it in DTO manually. I already created different Model, Repository, IRepository etc. Now i'm getting confused how to add the relation between two in DTO, Any reference?
5 Replies
Yawnder2y ago
A relation between two DTOs? Isn't that simply a property?
daisy2y ago
I mean relation between table in different database using DTO
Yawnder2y ago
That doesn't make sense. When you have a DTO, the way they were persisted is not relevant at that point. You still can keep an Id of something they're linked to if needed though.
daisy2y ago
Yeah i know.... They're actually linked each other I just don't know how to getalldata if we have relation with table in another database. with or not using DTO that's okay, it was just solution i got. hope you understand what i mean
Accord2y ago
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