C#2y ago

Need Help for MSGraph [Answered]

Hi, I'm new here in the discord, and found out that the community here is nice. Lots of things. So I would like to ask everyone here. If there is anyone has work on MSGraph. I would like to create a library that will be use by other developer. So basically I'm creating a Library to integrate with MSGraph. Anyone know where should I start first? Like is there any available OpenApi Spec / Swagger for me to consume ?
11 Replies
Patrick2y ago
What do you mean? the graph APIs MS has have a bunch of applications
starianz2y ago
Well, I also kinda blur atm. I received a task to integrate with MS Graph. So I not sure where to start.
Patrick2y ago
If it's a blur you can hardly integrate with it.
starianz2y ago
So since it has bunch of applications, does it mean each app has it own API?
Patrick2y ago
you need to go to wherever you got the task from and get clarification as to what it is you're doing.
starianz2y ago
okok, will just talk back to them, because I felt it was too big to integrate everything. Thanks bunnod
Patrick2y ago
you don't know what you're doing, so im unsure what it is exactly you're feeling. vague tasks cannot have an implementation
Accord2y ago
✅ This post has been marked as answered!
starianz2y ago
I just got the details.
starianz2y ago
They're actually asking me to create a library to work on this. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/event?view=graph-rest-1.0
starianz2y ago
Is just basic CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE Good thing I found there is POSTMAN Collection provided. Imma head to there and start working on it. Thanks!