C#ā€¢2y ago

Ask your question or provide help

Use a forum post to ask a question and get answers in relation to your topic. Tag them up so people can find your question easier.
186 Replies
RubyNovaDevā€¢2y ago
why won't ainz finish nier automata
Kobayashiā€¢2y ago
Hello, it's me from future
Ainzā€¢2y ago
that's not a programming topic
RubyNovaDevā€¢2y ago
and who's going to stop me
Tvde1ā€¢2y ago
Vote to close
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Ainzā€¢2y ago
you'll never see me finish nier with that attitude
RubyNovaDevā€¢2y ago
ok good to CatGun
Ainzā€¢2y ago
RubyNovaDevā€¢2y ago
round 1 fight
mtreitā€¢2y ago
What is this?
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RubyNovaDevā€¢2y ago
some new feature discord rolled out that we don't properly understand
ZacharyPattenā€¢2y ago
where the the down vote?!?!?!
Ainzā€¢2y ago
no negativity in here
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Insireā€¢2y ago
no gifs either
arminā€¢2y ago
good question
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Ainzā€¢2y ago
forums are just threads with subjects
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Patrickā€¢2y ago
someone post a question
Insireā€¢2y ago
oh, am just blind
arminā€¢2y ago
How to write in console?
Ainzā€¢2y ago
mtreitā€¢2y ago
Like as a new post?
Insireā€¢2y ago
i wonder if commands work $wpfuilibs
Insireā€¢2y ago
arminā€¢2y ago
this doesnt feel like discord idk
Ainzā€¢2y ago
great job discord I can't even post a question
Tvde1ā€¢2y ago
maybe I can post it
mtreitā€¢2y ago
@patrickk how do the tags work? Your post said people can use tags to find posts easier but it's not clear to me how one would do that.
Patrickā€¢2y ago
Patrickā€¢2y ago
if they're assigned you can click here
mtreitā€¢2y ago
Where is that dialog located? I don't see it.
Patrickā€¢2y ago
Patrickā€¢2y ago
on the home bit of the forum
mtreitā€¢2y ago
Oh I had to close the active channel which was covering that up. Er, active post
Kuinoxā€¢2y ago
only you can create tags FYI
Kuinoxā€¢2y ago
Rennā€¢2y ago
Iā€™m not sure how I feel about this feature yet
alkasel#159ā€¢2y ago
This post is used to explain how to use this channel, I think you should create e new post in order to ask for help
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Unknown Userā€¢2y ago
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Patrickā€¢2y ago
if they have exactly the same signature otherwise, no an overload will need a different parameter signature
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Patrickā€¢2y ago
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Patrickā€¢2y ago
your IDE will also be telling you the error message so instead of me guessing what you've done wrong, it'd be cool of you to share that !
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Patrickā€¢2y ago
ok then you've done something else wrong can't do much with that screenshot
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Patrickā€¢2y ago
an overload will need a different parameter signature
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Kaiā€¢2y ago
could a tag be used for solved / new? Not sure how to tell which are šŸ¤” (wups accidentially swapped between the server-feedback and help forums...)
Teddyā€¢2y ago
I just suggested maybe a bot command to add a āœ… to the title
Kaiā€¢2y ago
Isn't a tag preferable, ie "Unsolved"? Given you can filter by them?
Teddyā€¢2y ago
ZacharyPattenā€¢2y ago
Is there a way to change the default order to "Creation Time" rather than "Recent Activity"? I want it to keep a consistant order every time I check it to look for new questions? sorting by recent activity is trash
ZacharyPattenā€¢2y ago
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ZacharyPattenā€¢2y ago
make a new post
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ZacharyPattenā€¢2y ago
not if things get archived
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Dineoā€¢2y ago
hey can you guys help me when i run my visual studio solution it says "debug profile does not exist"
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Dineoā€¢2y ago
oh thanks
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ProIconsā€¢2y ago
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
Visual Studio Magazine
Understanding the Dynamic Keyword in C# 4 -- Visual Studio Magazine
The dynamic keyword brings exciting new features to C# 4. Find out how it works and why it simplifies a lot of your coding tasks, including some handy COM interop possibilities.
TheBoxyBearā€¢2y ago
This is dynamics object is an alias for System.Object, the root type for everything. That means you can store any value or object under an identifier of type object.
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
Its not. The title is just about dynamics but if u click the link, it will tell u about System.object
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
Object is just something u use when the type of object is unassigned i think
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
Why do u need object in Dictionary? Will you be storing different typed objects in it?
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
I dont know python nor the lib
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
What type of object u mean?
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
I guess you can put any typed object into a Dictionary that can contain Object Whats the problem you are having?
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
Ofc u cannot convert a string to object It doesn't work like that
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
You need to change the first list to contain object,object i think So this first list in code
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
Then it needs to be string, object
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
Not string, string
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
Haha you are welcome. Just always check what its expecting and what you are passing Also its better if u do ind++; to add one to it instead of just ind += 1
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RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
That makes no sense šŸ’©
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TheBoxyBearā€¢2y ago
Don't crosspost
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TheBoxyBearā€¢2y ago
The countdown would be best handled client-side with javascript to reduce server load
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Patrickā€¢2y ago
it's not bad practice, no they're called guard statements and are better than nesting/branches of code you should do the former
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In-Game Name: PathWars.9746
Hey :) How do you create a MAUI project in rider? intelliJ Rider that is :)
Doomboxā€¢2y ago
as long as you have all the correct workloads installed, Rider should have the template available
In-Game Name: PathWars.9746
Workloads? šŸ‘€
In-Game Name: PathWars.9746
I only have the basic ones.
Doomboxā€¢2y ago
you have to install the VS22 preview + all the MAUI tools
Doomboxā€¢2y ago
you can also use uhhh... https://github.com/Redth/dotnet-maui-check this to make sure you have all the right things installed
In-Game Name: PathWars.9746
I have vs22 and Maui tools
Doomboxā€¢2y ago
that tool can automatically install some stuff, though not all of it, namely the android SDK's and such
In-Game Name: PathWars.9746
Does it need to be the preview of Vs? Oooh that took looks neat!
Doomboxā€¢2y ago
uhh, maybe not anymore, the maui-check tool will tell you for certain though what you need
In-Game Name: PathWars.9746
Oh is that it there????
Doomboxā€¢2y ago
In-Game Name: PathWars.9746
Is that a good Pepe?
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mtreitā€¢2y ago
You need to implement the getter yourself
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arminā€¢2y ago
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Kaiā€¢2y ago
Silk.NET provides native access to GL, Vulkan, CL, DX, etc.
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Insireā€¢2y ago
that sounds like a view concern. so no viewmodels or models involved
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
What exactly is your problem?
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
You need to reset your enviroment variables, not sure how that is done on mac, but it should be googleable
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
Sory refresh Not reset, refresh
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
What structure is the text file? Is it csv or something like that?
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
You could read that using some library for csv probably, but i would just create method, that returns the class you need Using library for this is overkill imo
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
What does your class look like?
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
Well can't u just have it in the dictionary, and have the dictionary as property in the class
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
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TheBoxyBearā€¢2y ago
MODiXā€¢2y ago
Theosā€¢2y ago
So I have a problem with Url.Action I am creating a button which should call it but literally nothing happens location.href becomes empty I described more details here https://discord.com/channels/143867839282020352/1013048124366934037 No clue whats wrong I tested everything that comes to my mind
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
Yes it maters as code is executed line by line so
int y = 0;
int x = 1;
y = 5;
x = x*y;
int y = 0;
int x = 1;
y = 5;
x = x*y;
is not the same as
int y = 0;
int x = 1;
x = x*y;
y = 5;
int y = 0;
int x = 1;
x = x*y;
y = 5;
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
It depends on what you want to do But the best way is alwys try it yourself
KamiGami02ā€¢2y ago
hey! so im still really new to c# but im rather intermediate in sql. i'm working with an sql database of employees. right now, i'm trying to create a class library of employee, which will have the same attributes as the sql database of employees, such as empid, name, salary, etc. my question is, is there a way to link the class to the sql table? something like, whatever data is in the table creates employee objects with the same data? i want to keep everything consistent
Binto86ā€¢2y ago
MODiXā€¢2y ago
Binto86ā€¢2y ago
That is exactly what you are looking for But you probably won't use any sql with it when don't crospost
KamiGami02ā€¢2y ago
thank u also sorry for crosspost so, i wont use any sql with it? as in i dont need the database anymore? or everything will be done in sql
Binto86ā€¢2y ago
As in everything gets maped into object which you can just use, you need database, you just dont need SQL
Binto86ā€¢2y ago
https://github.com/DapperLib/Dapper if you want to do sql, but map into objects, there is also dapper
GitHub - DapperLib/Dapper: Dapper - a simple object mapper for .Net
Dapper - a simple object mapper for .Net. Contribute to DapperLib/Dapper development by creating an account on GitHub.
KamiGami02ā€¢2y ago
okay! ive heard of this thank you so much dude
Binto86ā€¢2y ago
Np Also close the crospost forum
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Buddyā€¢2y ago
Mate, press new post. FacePalm
Buddyā€¢2y ago
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
I don't know what he meant but now you are being very rude
Patrickā€¢2y ago
i mean it does say "use a forum post to ask a question" šŸ™‚ it's not a rule but helps you be seen.
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
Yes you can post any question, best way is probably to create new post in the forum chanel
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Binto86ā€¢2y ago
That means that the build failed, what does it say next to it?
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TheBoxyBearā€¢2y ago
just !File.Exists
RTXPowerā€¢2y ago
cnetworksā€¢2y ago
hi can someone help? hi I hv a view which has few checkboxes in mvc. i designed them in html inside view. Now I require to save the selected values of checkboxes into a single column of a table. If there are multiple checbox values, I need to save values with comma separator in that column. Please help
TheBoxyBearā€¢2y ago
Don't crosspost
JansthcirlUā€¢2y ago
@patrickk can you Pin the original "Use a forum post to ask a question..." message so that people who join the discussion don't have to scroll all the way to the top to see the full description and on the same note allow posters to pin their original message for the same reason, or have modix do it automatically when a new post is created
Tvde1ā€¢2y ago
Can we close this thread? People are asking questions in this thread which go unseen
JansthcirlUā€¢2y ago
yeah exactly, the original post that explains what to do isn't visible anymore because people can reply to this thread
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