ASP.NET application with Individual User Accounts
I am following the instructions on this video (
Using Visual studio community 2022 version 17.4.3
Templates selected is ASP.NET core web app (model view controller)
reading this ( I now assume I may run into issues if I ignore that I was not able to select "Individual User Accounts" and some of the folders are missing .
any suggestions please .
12 Replies
The additional folders "Areas" and "Data" are indeed generated in the video because he selected "Individual User Accounts" and not "No Authentication". If you were unable to select that, I'd work on fixing it because it may indicate something else isn't installed correctly
thank you, it helps to know that the areas and data folder is tied to the individual user accounts. any chance you know which template will have that . I couldn't quite understand the stackover suggestion .
show what happens when you try to select "individual user accounts"
the option is not there
meh, idk what's going on there. Try this instead.
Make a new empty folder for the project, then open up command prompt and run:
then double-click the .csproj file to open it in visual studio.
cough --auth
all set . thank you @ChucklesTheBeard .
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