C#2y ago

❔ Listening for object properties changed

let's say i have a object:
class Foo
public int Counter {get;set;}
class Foo
public int Counter {get;set;}
i would like to attach an event listener automatically for its all properties so if i do foo.Counter++; some method will invoked without manually adding code to every property
10 Replies
TheRanger2y ago
class Foo
private int _counter;
public int Counter
get => _counter;
set {
_counter = value;

private void OnCounterChanged()
// fire your event listener
class Foo
private int _counter;
public int Counter
get => _counter;
set {
_counter = value;

private void OnCounterChanged()
// fire your event listener
your only way afaik
CrosRoad952y ago
i want to avoid this
TheRanger2y ago
i dont think that's possible
CrosRoad952y ago
DoSomething(new Foo(), name => {
Console.WriteLine("Property: " + name + " has changed")
DoSomething(new Foo(), name => {
Console.WriteLine("Property: " + name + " has changed")
i need it to get delta change between previous and current state of object these data i want to send across network so i want to avoid sending data that has not changed the idea is to get know which properties changed and send only these which changed
TheRanger2y ago
well you can probably do it with some system reflection shenanigans
CrosRoad952y ago
perhaps i could store old value as hashcode and then compare them has a different idea, make a method to change state, ChangeState(x => x.Counter, 2)
TheRanger2y ago
yeah that could work
CrosRoad952y ago
ChangeState(x => x.Counter, 2);
ChangeState(x => x.Counter, 3);
ChangeState(x => x.Counter, 4);
ChangeState(x => x.Counter, 2);
ChangeState(x => x.Counter, 3);
ChangeState(x => x.Counter, 4);
"changeState" will know Counter change, it will immediately schedule a task to update client state but if another state change in next 10ms then cancel previous synchronization, that way 3 changes of same property will yield a single update
333fred2y ago
Is this a viewmodel for some ui? Because it sounds like what you want is INotifyPropertyChanged and CommunityToolkit.Mvvm, which has source generators to generate the boilerplate for you
Accord2y ago
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