C#2y ago

Coding on the go?

i've been thinking about getting some coding on my projects done during my free periods at school since there isn't really anything to do there. Do you happen to have some kind of recommendations? Would love something that could run an asp.net core project (as in build, serve a view, 2 minutes max) It might come off as wishful thinking, but who knows, maybe there's some way I've heard and used replit.com for colaborating on code, but only know of it supporting console projects I've also tried to use termux on my old tablet, however it seems that it's too old to handle such workload, as running takes hours to proceed. (Althought i did manage to host locally a vscode server) seen Google Compute Engine however i do not have a lot of information about it an the pricing
12 Replies
Angius2y ago
A laptop
Indeed2y ago
As much as i would love to be able to simply go off with that solution. I do not believe I currently am. That's why I am mainly looking for some web based solutions (maybe hosting on github, seen some people do that), however do you mean I should take your reply as it being not realy viable nowadays?
Angius2y ago
I mean, the possibilities are there. Github Codespaces, or even buying some cheap Linux VPS and SSHing into it The issue is ergonomics. I tried programming on my phone. An overall shitty experience, I assure you Maybe a tablet with a USB keyboard would work But that's just a small 2-in-1 with extra steps
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Indeed2y ago
Thank you for mentioning GitHub code spaces, although i do not have access to them i managed to stumbled upon something called gitpod which seems to be a good alternative ❤️ Ye, going on an old family tablet with a wired keyboard You can tell i got tired of pointless midday periods
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Angius2y ago
I think Jetbrains also has some remote devboxes under their Spaces thing
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Indeed2y ago
Yup, have used that as mentioned briefly above. Did not really think about hosting it on my pc due to the power requirements etc., thought it wouldn't really be worth it however it did remind me that i do have a raspberry pi 3b i believe in my closed laying unused so might try it as to not both host vscode server and use it on the same tablet (funnily enough, havent checked indepth but i think that the pi has better gears than my tablet XD Acer Ionia One 10)
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Indeed2y ago
https://www.reddit.com/r/termux/comments/u37mlf/successfully_compiled_and_ran_dotnet_web_app_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I just followed this tutorial and they told me to install a package code-server, had to modify product.json with extensionsGallery key to have access to all extensions, and it workeed
r/termux - Successfully compiled and ran dotnet web app on Android!
68 votes and 9 comments so far on Reddit
Indeed2y ago
(also had to do some patching for termux but that was a bug for arm64)