How Do I add a Xaml Namespace inside another xaml

Just adding a using namespace in classes, how do I do that with Xaml? x:Class=Fuire"2._0.AppShell" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:BringTheMenu2._0" xmlns:custom="Fuire._0.View.Fuire" Shell.FlyoutBehavior="Disabled">
4 Replies
Lord Hokage
Lord Hokage2y ago
I tried using xmlns local but it says it set more than once
jcotton422y ago
Choose a different name than local local isn't special, it's just the default named used here
Lord Hokage
Lord Hokage2y ago
What should I choose then Or what I mean is would it be xmlns (random name) and then the name of the class xaml?
jcotton422y ago
anything you want xmlns:foo in the namespace declaration and then in your XAML <foo:Bar>...</foo:Bar>