C#•2y ago

possible combinations of upper and lower case string

How to get all possible combinations of upper and lower case string stored as a list of strings?
46 Replies
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armin•2y ago
I need to iterate through them
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Tvde1•2y ago
How big is your input data?
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armin•2y ago
but that is exactly my question
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armin•2y ago
i am able to do something like this: cat => Cat, cAt, caT
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armin•2y ago
but i need all combinations what is yield returining and why is your name exaxtly that coincidence?
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armin•2y ago
i only need it for small words, im not going to have to get all combinations of a 1000 character word
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armin•2y ago
No I dont.
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armin•2y ago
I mean I can tell you, but I dont know how that will help I want to create hashes for all combinations
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armin•2y ago
Is the need evaded?
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armin•2y ago
I really dont want to use yield
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armin•2y ago
I have never heard or seen it And a list seems perfomant enough
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Tvde1•2y ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<string> GivePermutations(string input)
if (input.Length == 0)
yield return string.Empty;
yield break;

foreach (var permutation in GivePermutations(input[1..])
yield return char.ToUpper(input[0]) + permutation;
yield return char.ToLower(input[0]) + permutation;

foreach (var permutation in GivePermutations("cat"))
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<string> GivePermutations(string input)
if (input.Length == 0)
yield return string.Empty;
yield break;

foreach (var permutation in GivePermutations(input[1..])
yield return char.ToUpper(input[0]) + permutation;
yield return char.ToLower(input[0]) + permutation;

foreach (var permutation in GivePermutations("cat"))
this was fun 🙂
armin•2y ago
Tvde1•2y ago
you can see the longer the string the bigger it gets
armin•2y ago
thanks, I don't want to force someone to code it again, but I wonder how much better it really is than with lists
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Tvde1•2y ago
also you can remove the index, it isn't used anywhere anymore
armin•2y ago
Thank you
Tvde1•2y ago
though you probably are doing something wrong if you need all permutations
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armin•2y ago
Tvde1•2y ago
good luck bruteforcing someone's password haha
armin•2y ago
educational purposes
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armin•2y ago
Whats that supposed to mean
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armin•2y ago
okay thats true
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armin•2y ago
jesus that doesn't look like C# for me anymore
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armin•2y ago
idk if im inexpierenced, i have made some stuff work im not a professional ofc but syntax is just something i try to avoid for more readable code (also for myself)
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armin•2y ago
Oh I have no mute here, nice Well it wasn't particularly necessary to do it this way Hmm