C#2y ago

Integration Testing

I learned about the integration testing concept, but I'm having a hard time finding how people are using it. I use WPF and MVVM in my project. - Do you use Integration testing? If yes, how do you use it? - What are recommended tools to work with MVVM+WPF + tests? - Is there anything you'd like me to know before I start writing my integration tests?
5 Replies
Monsieur Wholesome
You integration-test services, not a UI
Mayor McCheese
You should be about to test your viewmodels too Whether you want to or not is a longer running debate
realivanjxツ2y ago
should you mock in integration testing or use the real dependency? what if those dependencies need to like access db or file system? if i mock the dependencies doesnt that sound like unit testing instead? cmiiw
Monsieur Wholesome
Usually you use an in-memory database, with entity framework for example Integration testing is testing a process, an endpoint or service functionality; Lots of things may happen in it Not just "Does A + B equal C" But rather "When calling the api endpoint with an invalid and valid object, will it store one in the db and the other one not and give me the right response"
Mayor McCheese
There are nuances
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