❔ I need help with this concept

Guys, can someone provide me with a short explanation about this concept? sequential event-based programming.
7 Replies
"User clicked a button!" -> some code handles the button press. "User clicked a button!" -> some code han-"User clicked another button!"-dles the button press, oh look another event is queued up; some code handles the 2nd button press. as opposed to handling the 2nd press right away, asynchronously
The king of kings
Ok! Thanks a lot for replaying, I've been asking many people about this concept and not many are familiar with it. It's very weird that I get asked about advanced topic as a beginner during a course examine.
Pobiega2y ago
It's not an advanced topic. It's the simplest way of handling events, and requires little to no extra code on your end A simple winforms app with no use of async etc will be this
Accord2y ago
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The king of kings
Ok! Still didn't understand what it's about and what's the purpose of knowing it.
Sossenbinder2y ago
Sequential in this context would probably mean having a sequence of events, and I assume you might be confused why you would do this based on events if you could just call some methods one by one which fulfill the same logic?
Accord2y ago
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