❔ Does nopcommerce support blazor in. Net 6?
I would like to know if blazor server for. Net 6 is supported in nopcommerce
In the nopcommerce docs it is said that for version 4.50 support is for. Net 6 and. Net 6 runtime needs to be installed
Also, how to work on "staging copies" on. Net 6?
How to test things and pages on. Net without publishing them and risking on breaking the website they are on?
5 Replies
Unknown User•3y ago
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@Fartasia can I use web api. Net 6 even if I need pages to the website not just the e-commerce?
or mvc as I see there are more tutorials with mvc and nopcommerce
Blazor was the easiest solution also how to work safely on. Net without having to publish pages with the risk of breaking the website?
For example with WordPress there are staging copies you can create and test them safely
Unknown User•3y ago
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@Fartasia on microft docs the choice is between mvc and blazor though https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/choose-web-ui?view=aspnetcore-7.0
Can I implement api no matter if I pick mvc or blazor, right?
I am so confused which one to pick and I'm still learning all things related to. Net
I found nopcommerce to be the best solution for having a pretty quick e commerce that is multilingual and multicurrency
Do you know another alternative to nopcommerce that would provide a multilingual and multicurrency e-commerce set on. Net?
Blazor seems easier for me to learn and apply according to what Microsoft says in the docs
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