Compiler error [Answered]
So im getting compiler error, i understand what it means but i dont know why i get it can you explain to me?
24 Replies
im geting this error

why cant i use the same name since its inside other
cases dont create scopes
you can manually add a scope thou
{ }
okay ill try
thought they do thanks
where would i need to add
{ }
?below the case
the first one
yeah and wherei close
so wrap all your "case code" in that
tried and some are coloring in red
wait for it 

the formatting gets wacky, but you get the point
put the break in the scope too what
how ugly is that
oh lol
okay all is working fine
i forgot to add break at the end
the scopes work
do i close this or sum
just type
i was saying this because by default, VS adds indentations for case blocks

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