miniMax algorithm

hey guys i need to implement minimax algorithm to my basic console xox game.any help appreciated.
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3 Replies
ZacharyPatten3y ago
is a school assignment? what are you struggling with? also, don't use Convert.ToInt32 right now your app has bugs
Marcelo Burlon
Marcelo BurlonOP3y ago
it s not homework.i am just practicing data structures and algorithms. yeah its better if i use tryparse @ZacharyPatten i cant understand how minimax algorithm works at some point
ZacharyPatten3y ago
for the minmax algorithm you simulate making all possible moves until an end game state is reached. if the state is a loss you return -1. if it is a win you return 1. You add up all those results into the previous simulated move's score. the move with the highest score is considered the optimal move

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