❔ VIsual Studio 2022 Spell Checking

When I just opened visual studio 2022 today, it randomly just started doing spell checking on my code, so a bunch of my code is underlined in green, when they are all spelled how they need to be spelled.. Is there anyway to completely disable spell checking either for a project or for the whole ide? It just really bugs me seeing so much of my code underlined in green...
14 Replies
phaseshift2y ago
Is it really spelling?
jacobh123492y ago
phaseshift2y ago
Are you sure the green lines are for spelling
jacobh123492y ago
yes, it says this when i mouse over it.
jacobh123492y ago
those are from a base64 string
phaseshift2y ago
Oh. Well aside from saying look down tools->options menus idk
jacobh123492y ago
i was just wondering if anyone on this discord knows how about it
phaseshift2y ago
I find it hard to believe the solution is more than a few clicks away from Google
jacobh123492y ago
i tried googling it a little, and i didnt find that much about it i mostly just saw extensions for spell checking, but i dont think i have any extension thats doing it it might be part of a new update for visual studio or something
phaseshift2y ago
There's a simple way to check - Disable all extensions and restart
333fred2y ago
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jacobh123492y ago
yep, thats it, and i found how to turn it off from that too. thx
jacobh123492y ago
oh wait, i actually just opened visual studio for the first time today now, and the spell checker isnt happening now today..
Accord2y ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.