C#β€’2y ago

Inconsistent namespaces

(Solved) I'm currently working on a solution with a lot of subfolders and I noticed that the namespaces of .cs files are not reflecting the folder structure. On top of that, in some projects, i.e. the files inside "Commands" and "Queries" have the same namespace and in other projects they have wrong namespace like ending in "Messages" while the folder name is Queries. I would be able to fix this automatically in Rider by naming all namespaces according to folder structure but I'm afraid I will end up having hundreds of 10 levels long namespaces and usings. Other solution is to go in every file and understand the pattern that was used in naming the namespaces and correct the wrong ones (this will take a lot of time).
30 Replies
Pobiegaβ€’2y ago
I see no question attached to this post... but I'm guessing you want ideas on how to solve this.
Sygmondβ€’2y ago
Yes πŸ™‚
Pobiegaβ€’2y ago
Unfortunately, you've already nailed it - its either via a tool, or manual. They both have ups and downs. Perhaps refactor the folder structure before doing the rider fix?
Sygmondβ€’2y ago
That's a nice idea.
eroβ€’2y ago
Hm? There's a code cleanup thing for this editorconfig Whichever
Sygmondβ€’2y ago
I can do it via editconfig and apply to the whole solution and name the namespaces as folder structure. Do you have in mind another editorconfig rule for this?
eroβ€’2y ago
If you have set such a rule, perhaps running dotnet format will apply it?
Sygmondβ€’2y ago
that is going well, I tried it already, but it creates long namespaces as there are 10 level subfolders. Maybe this is better than having inconsistency Two different projects i.e.Company.App.Access.User and Company.App.Access.Implementation have the same namespace Company.App.Access for files in the root folder but different for the ones in subfolders. that's why I want to fix the namespaces, is a total disaster and I'm pretty fixed on consistency :))
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Unknown Userβ€’2y ago
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Sygmondβ€’2y ago
thanks Do you recommend having the namespaces the same as folder structure?
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Unknown Userβ€’2y ago
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Sygmondβ€’2y ago
I want the same. I feel better now :))
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Unknown Userβ€’2y ago
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Sygmondβ€’2y ago
Thank you all, I will be starting now to organize them all.
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Sygmondβ€’2y ago
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Sygmondβ€’2y ago
893 .cs files that's why I like rules, so that in the future I don't have to figure it out. I took the project from someone else and I have to continue development.
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Unknown Userβ€’2y ago
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Sygmondβ€’2y ago
Thank you. That is very very useful.
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Unknown Userβ€’2y ago
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Sygmondβ€’2y ago
In my previous project the TL said not to go too deep :)) now I understand why
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Unknown Userβ€’2y ago
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Sygmondβ€’2y ago
Do you recommend ERP in project name or Erp?
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Sygmondβ€’2y ago
Teddyβ€’2y ago
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.csproj Even though it's ASP they go with Asp
Sygmondβ€’2y ago
I've seen now that instead of API they also use Api. I go with the convention
Teddyβ€’2y ago
But your company is free to create their own naming conventions πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
Sygmondβ€’2y ago
I created it now :))